
"You can't. Outside of the Valley, we're like gods."

Inside, they weren't. It still mystified Coyote that the woman had been able to kill Old Bear. Something that should have been impossible even for her.

And if she could kill a Guardian outside of the Valley, then Buffalo most likely could do it, too. "I have to stop them."

"Then stop them, my brother ... with others."

Coyote shook his head. "I've unleashed my plagues."

"Then I will unleash mine." Snake placed his hand on Coyote's shoulder in brotherly solidarity. "We are in this to the end."

Snake for the power.

Coyote for blood.

He nodded to the South Guardian. "At dawn we will feast on the hearts of our enemies."

"And bathe in their blood."

A warrior's bond.

Snake tightened the grip on his shoulder before he released him. "I will summon the bounty hunters." He started away.

"Wait." Coyote hesitated to say more. He didn't want to show his weakness to anyone. Ever. But he had no choice. "Tell them not to harm the woman. I want her brought back to me."



"May I ask why?"

The answer smoldered inside him like a pressure cooker that was about to explode. "It's personal."

Confusion marred his brow, but Snake didn't pursue it. "I'll make sure it's done."

Good. Coyote watched Snake make his exit while his emotions churned inside him. But it was his rage that flared brightest. "You owe me!" he shouted, his voice ringing through the cavern. And this time, he would collect on that balance.

Jess Brady would die, and he would finally have the reward he'd been promised.

Jess cursed as he swerved to miss a pedestrian while they drove down the Great Basin Highway toward the Valley of Fire. All over the interstate, people had abandoned their cars which had been wrecked during either the wasp attack or subsequent storm Talon had sent.

In spite of the media telling everyone to remain in their homes, thousands of people had tried to evacuate and were now walking on the side of the road. Many were screaming that it was the end of the world while others trudged on in grim determination to get wherever they were headed.

It was an ugly sight, and it made Abigail pray that whatever plague Coyote unleashed next didn't make it to them.

Cell phone lines were completely jammed, which only added to everyone's panic. There was no way to reach anyone inside or outside the city. Maybe that was what had caused them to try and leave. That need to find your family and hold on to them in a crisis.

Even though she'd lost her parents as a child, she still had that urge to crawl into her mother's arms whenever something awful happened. That burning need to talk to her and have her chase away all the monsters and fears.

It never went away.

Abigail wanted to weep over what she saw. She wanted to weep for the people who'd been hurt because of her stupidity. "I can't believe I did all this." Surely, she would burn in hell for it.

Choo Co La Tah turned in the seat to face her. "It's not entirely your fault, dear. Don't take that guilt into your heart. The Balance is fragile, and it controls everything in the cosmos. If the scales ever tip-"

"We get screwed," Sasha said in a chipper tone with a big grin.

"You're not funny, Sasha," Jess snapped.