
Jess made a face of supreme pain. "You're not still busting on Storm, are you?"

"Ah, hell yeah, you know it." Talon let out an evil laugh. "There are truly few things that give me more pleasure."

"You are all kinds of wrong." Jess shook his head before he explained it to her and Sasha. "Talon's brother-in-law is a professional rainmaker. So every time poor Storm tries to make it rain, Talon stops it. At this point, he's beginning to get a complex over it."

Pride gleamed bright in Talon's eyes. "I know it's cruel, but I can't help myself. Little bastard deserves it after all the grief he gives me over his sister. Not to mention I really like the little girl sound he makes when he fails."

Sasha snorted. "And you people think I'm twisted. Damn, that's so cold."

"Speaking of, Weatherman," Jess said. "You can probably kill the rain now. I think the wasps are pretty much shocked and driven back."

A loud clap of thunder shook the house. "Yeah, but it's fun."

"Might be, but you're flooding out parts of the city."

Talon grimaced. "Make me feel bad, why don't you? Fine, it's canned."

Abigail was intrigued by his powers. It was one she hadn't known a Dark-Hunter could have. "So can you summon tornadoes or earthquakes?"

"Earthquakes aren't weather related." Talon winked at her, then sobered as if he caught himself being too friendly. "And no offense, I don't feel comfortable discussing my powers with someone who might try and use them against me one day. So I'll be keeping all details close."

Pain stabbed her hard in the chest. "You're right. I deserve that. I shouldn't have asked."

The expression on his face said that he felt as bad about his words as she did.

Jess put his arm around her shoulders. "Go easy on her, Celt. She was protecting her family. We've all done things we regret while trying to help the people we love. It doesn't make her an enemy."

"True. It just makes her human." Talon held his hand out to her. "Truce?"

Offering him a shy smile, she took his hand in hers and shook it. "Truce." The moment she touched his skin, she felt something strange on his palm. Scowling, she turned his hand over to see a nasty burn scar there. "That looks really painful."

Talon actually smiled as if the memory warmed him. He pulled his hand away. "A very small price to pay for all I gained. Trust me. Had it been necessary, I'd have given the whole arm." He passed a look from her to Jess that sent a shiver down her spine.

It was like he knew what they'd done.

A light smile played at the edges of his lips. "Speaking of, I need to be getting back home. Last thing I want to do is stress out Sunny. My luck, she'd show up here and in her condition I'd have to kill someone if they upset her. Since I don't want to kill myself..." He scanned the three of them. "Good luck. For the gods's sakes, don't fail."

"Don't intend to," Jess assured him.

Talon vanished.

Abigail shifted nervously as Sasha arched a brow over the fact that Jess still had his arm around her. She'd shrug it off, but didn't want to do anything to make it stand out more. Besides, she liked it.

Ignoring Sasha's curiosity, she spoke to Jess. "I take it Sunny is his wife and she's pregnant?"


She nodded as she absorbed that. Along with a new fear for herself. "I didn't think Dark-Hunters could have families or make someone pregnant."

A light appeared in his eyes that said he might actually be reading her thoughts.

She gave him a stern glare.

Panic flared deep in his dark gaze before he stepped away from her as if wanting to put distance between her and his so-called tender parts. "Didn't do it. I swear, and no we can't. Talon's no longer one of us and hasn't been for some time. Sunshine freed him."

Really ... there was another thing she'd never known was possible.

Before she could speak again, Ren's deep, stern voice rang out. "You need to take it slowly."