
Sasha's face blanched. "Wasps ... A shitload of them." He pointed down the street.

Following the direction of his arm, Abigail gaped at the sight of what appeared to be a thick, dancing cloud rolling toward them.

"Next plague." Jess jumped to his feet and pulled her up. He met Sasha's gaze. "Can you get the bike home?"

"On it. I'll see you back in your compound."

Jess inclined his head to him before he took her hand and ran with her back to the Audi. Abigail was still gaping as she watched the wasps draw closer and closer at an abnormal pace. The cloud rose and dived like some giant, lumbering, solid beast.

She ran to the passenger side while Jess wedged himself into the driver's seat and moved it back.

"I really hope you didn't damage this thing."

She slammed the door shut, grateful she'd left it running, then buckled herself in. "You that attached to it, cowboy?"

He put it in gear. "Nope. Not mine. It's Andy's pride and joy. If there's so much as a scratch on this thing, I'll never hear the end of it."

Great. Now the Squire had another reason to hate her. "I can't win for losing with him, can I?"

Jess didn't answer as the wasps literally enveloped the car. They landed on the windshield so thick that he had to turn the wipers on to try and dislodge them.

It didn't work. All it did was piss them off.

Disgusted and scared, Abigail hissed as she realized they were also crawling in through the vents.

"Close them quick," Jess said, snatching his shut.

She complied and held them in place to make sure the wasps didn't push them open again. "This is getting ugly."

"Like my great-aunt's underpants."

She arched a brow at his strange and unexpected comment. Okay ...

Jess tried to navigate the streets, but it was far from easy going. Cars were swerving everywhere, trying to avoid the wasps. Horns blared and people screamed so loudly that it was deafening. She'd never seen anything like it.

What were they going to do?

She sighed. "I'm getting a little tired of this."

Jess flashed a fanged grin. "Not my fave thing either, I have to say. You wouldn't happen to have a can of Raid, would you?"

"I wish. What else don't they like?"

"Apparently us ... and a little brown Audi."

She shook her head. "How can you find humor right now?"

"Damned if I know. I must be one sick SOB. There's definitely something in my noodle that's shorted out."

And how could she find that charming?

More than that, her entire life was falling apart, and the only comfort she had was him. Maybe he wasn't the sick one after all.

Maybe it was her.

Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with me. And it wasn't just the wasps trying to break into the car and sting them or the demon that had made her eat a friend. "This is definitely one of those days when you're praying it's a dream. Only you never wake up from the nightmare."

"I've had a few of those in my time. But this one here's not so bad."