
That being said, his thoughts of her were killing him.

* * *

Abigail was trying to sort through all the information she'd been given. She wanted to believe her family. She did.

But it was hard to refute what she'd been shown, and the fact that Sundown didn't act like a psychotic killer.

If only she knew the real truth of everything. Were there rogue Apollites who preyed on humans? It seemed preposterous, and yet so did the existence of Apollites altogether. If one was possible, wouldn't it stand to reason that so was the other?

But why had no one in her family ever mentioned them?

The only thing she knew for a fact was that she was being hunted by something she'd accidentally unleashed. And that she didn't doubt at all.

How could she have been so stupid?

Sighing, she reached for the soap, only to feel a vicious stabbing pain rip through her abdomen. It was a thousand times worse than the most wretched menstrual cramp. She tried to move, but it slammed her down to the ground as it continued to twist in her stomach. Her skin burned like it was on fire. The water was no longer soothing. Now it tore at her flesh like a razor. Tears gathered in her eyes.

Oh my God, I'm in an Alien movie....

That was what it felt like. Some creature trying to claw its way out of her belly. Light and sound tortured her. Images flashed through her mind as if controlled by a psychedelic strobe.

Help me....

She couldn't speak the words. They were frozen in her throat.

Suddenly, the shower door opened. Her breathing ragged, she looked up to find Sundown there.

"Abigail?" His tone was filled with concern.

"Help me," she choked out as tears coursed down her cheeks.

He turned the water off, then scooped her up in his arms to carry her back to bed.

Had she been able, she'd have protested his carrying her while she was wet and naked. But right now, she didn't care and he didn't seem to notice about either one.

She groaned out loud as more pain lacerated her.

"I've got you," he said comfortingly. He wrapped her in a blanket, then brushed her hair back from her face with a tenderness that was completely unexpected. "What's going on?"

"I-I don't know. It hurts."


"Everywhere. But my stomach's the worst of it."

Jess touched her stomach, and she screamed in agony. He thought it might be appendicitis until he met her gaze. Her eyes glowed red. "Um, honey, is there something you want to tell me?"

"What? That I feel like I'm giving birth to a fire-breathing dragon?"

"Nah, more like ... any idea why your eyes would be demon red?" They were the same color they'd turned when she was unconscious.

She opened her mouth as if to respond, but before she could, her incisors lengthened.

Holy shit.

Had she made a pact with Artemis? She definitely looked like a Hunter, but none that he knew of had red eyes....

"Get away from her, Jess."