
That much was true. Still ...

"My adoptive father confirmed it. He said you slaughtered my parents because they were allies to the Apollites."

"I had no idea they even knew what an Apollite was. It's not something I normally talk about to anyone outside of the Dark-Hunter network, you know?"

That made a little too much sense. Abigail rubbed her forehead as she tried to discern the truth. Her feelings were so conflicted.

"So what do you believe now?" he asked.

Overwhelmed by everything, she lay back against the headboard. "I don't know, Sundown. I don't." Oh, how she hated being this tired. It made her an emotional wreck, and everything was so much worse right now. Tears started streaming quietly down her cheeks as everything crashed in on her. Her life had never been simple or easy.

But all of the past was like a ride on a merry-go-round compared to what it was right now. It was confusing and terrifying.

And if Choo Co La Tah was right, she only had an extremely short amount of time left to live.

Or the world would end.

What have I done?

What was she going to do?

Suddenly, Sundown was there, sitting on the bed. "Don't cry, Abby. It's all right."

It wasn't and they both knew it.

He gathered her into his arms and held her close. Something no one had done in a very long time. God, it felt so good....

Abigail buried her face into his chest. His heartbeat was strong and sure, and in this moment, she needed that reassurance that she wasn't completely alone-even if it meant cuddling against her enemy. "I'm so sorry. I don't normally do this."

"Don't apologize. My ma used to say that crying is good for you. Tears are the path that free your mind of sorrowful thoughts."

"You sound like Choo Co La Tah now."

He nuzzled his face against her head while a gentle laugh rumbled deep in his chest. "He is kind of like Yoda.... 'There is only do or do not. There is no try.'"

That actually succeeded in making her laugh through her tears. "You're a Star Wars fan?"

"Oh yeah. May the Force be with you."

She sobered. "If what Choo Co La Tah said is true, I think we're going to need something a lot stronger than the Force to win this."

"Don't worry, we'll find a solution. There's always a way."

His positive attitude amazed her. "How can you be so sure?"

He shrugged. "You're talking to a man who came back from the dead just to even a score. You think I'm going to let something like Coyote win this? Hardly. One thing about Bradys ... We don't run and we don't lose. Come hell or high water, no one gets the best of me. And I'll be damned if I let them take you. We'll find a way to keep you safe and save the world. You have my personal guarantee on that, and that's not something I give lightly."

His conviction stunned her. "Why do you even care? A few hours ago, I was trying to kill you."

"And not that long ago, you saved me from stepping into daylight. I haven't forgotten that either. Besides, I understand wanting retribution. Spent my whole human life in search of it. I won't hold that against you or anyone else."

That was so different from the things she'd read about him. Was it possible he wasn't as soulless as they claimed?

"But," he continued. "I would ask that if we do manage to save your butt and the world's that you find another hobby besides killing us."

How easy he made that sound. "Do you really think they'll let me live after what I've done?"

Jess paused as he considered it. She was right. The final decision wasn't his to make. The Powers were even more vengeful than his brethren were. Blood for blood. Tit for tat.