
She rolled her eyes dismissively. "Pah-lease."

Jess ignored her. There was no need in arguing with her right now. They had much bigger problems than her pigheadedness. "How bad is it?" he asked Zarek.

"Well, he was the Guardian for the West Lands, where his people had banished some of the worst of their supernatural predators. Now that he's dead, the balance has shifted and those he guarded can be set free."

Jess hated to even ask the next question. But unfortunately, he had to. "And they are?"

When he answered, Z's tone was as dry as the desert. "Nothing too major. A couple of plagues. Some scary weather anomalies.... oh, and my personal fave-" He paused for effect, which told Jess how bad it was going to be. "-the Grizzly Spirit."

Oh yeah, that was quite a stellar lineup from hell. Literally. "You're kidding me, right?"

Zarek shook his head. "I don't have a sense of humor, you know that. The Dark Guardians will be moving after Choo Co La Tah now, since he's the North Guardian. If they can take him down, they can free the ones he guards, too."

And set loose an apocalyptic war that would make the Daimon leader, Stryker, look like a wuss. Yeah, that was just what they needed.

The woman set her arms on her hips in pique. "What are you people talking about?"

"Nothing important." Zarek raked a nasty glare over her. "Just the end of the world as we know it, and for the record, I don't feel fine. Neither will you when it all comes slamming down on your head."

Jess dragged Zarek's attention back to the more important matter. Saving the world from those who would put a major hurt on it. "Where's Choo Co La Tah now?"

"Ren was with him at the time Old Bear died. Now he's guarding him. When the sun goes down, Ren'll need help moving Choo Co La Tah to the Valley of Fire."

Now, that made no sense. "Why?"

Zarek shrugged. "You'll have to ask Ren yourself. I didn't inquire and no one elaborated. All I know is it's something to do with a prophecy from their pantheon, and for that reason, I can't go with you. Apparently the area you have to go into is protected from any god or demigod born outside their pantheon. I'm only here as a messenger. Ash would have come for this, but his wife's in labor."

"Why'd he call you?"

Zarek gave him a droll stare. "My charming personality."

Jess snorted in derision.

"Fine, asshole. I'm sure it had to do with the fact that he figured you wouldn't shoot me."

That was a good bet, and Ash had no doubt refrained from calling Andy because the boy was too high-strung to deal with news like this. Andy would still be in his room, freaking out over the end of the world and trying to get laid before it occurred. "Why didn't he call me himself?" For some reason, Ash's calls came through even down here. That man had the best cell service ever.

"He tried. You didn't answer your phone. And since he's a little busy with his wife threatening to castrate him over her labor pains, he sent me in."

Now, that, Jess would have paid money to hear. He couldn't imagine anyone threatening Ash.

He slid his gaze back to Abigail, who'd been nothing but trouble since the moment he followed her into the drain. The call must have come in when they'd been fighting.

Zarek walked over to her. "And thank you, Miss Priss, for making this easy on us." He snapped his fingers and a rope appeared on her hands, binding them together.

She shrieked in outrage until Zarek manifested a gag over her lips to stifle her insults.

"What are you doing?" Jess asked.

"Making it easy on you."

Completely baffled, he frowned at Zarek's actions. "Making what easy on me?"

"Transporting her."

At this point, Z was starting to wear on his nerves. "Would you stop acting like a third-rate Oracle and spit everything out so that it makes sense." 'Cause right now, he had no idea why Zarek had her bound up like a Christmas goose, and he was too tired to keep chasing answers.

"Glad to. In order to set everything back to normal and stop the hell to come, Choo Co La Tah has to go to the Valley and offer up a sacrifice of the one who killed Old Bear." He passed a wry grin to the woman. "That'd be you, sweet cheeks."