
"Do you know where Ren is?" Jess asked.

She nodded. "They're planning to sacrifice him at midnight. Right now, Coyote is torturing him."

Abigail frowned. Hannah acted like she was at home here and knew the schedule for everything. Best of all, she knew about this hidden passage. "I don't understand. How did you guys get hooked up with Coyote?"


That unexpected response startled her so badly that she actually stumbled. "What?"

"You remember how Jonah did all that research into trying to find a cure for us?"

Abigail nodded. Everyone who'd ever met Jonah knew this story. He'd found some obscure text that said one of the local Nevada tribes had hidden a serum in the mountains that could cure any illness and transform someone's DNA into perfect structure.

Jonah had taken that to mean that it would repair whatever physiological damage Apollo had done to them when he cursed them.

Both she and Hannah had thought it was a load, but Jonah had insisted, and for years, he'd take night trips out to the desert to look for it.

"Jonah didn't find the serum. He found Coyote, who told him that the legend was real and that if he'd help Coyote find the two jars that contained it, Coyote would share. They were still looking for it when..." She passed a harsh stare to Abigail. "Jonah died. Anyway, they've been working together for decades now. So when Coyote called Kurt and asked him to round up Daimons to kill a Dark-Hunter, we came."

Abigail's heart stopped beating. "We?"

"I took gallu blood with Kurt. I don't want to kill humans, Abby, but I don't want to die either. I figure no one will miss a demon."

Grateful for her compassion and humanity, Abigail hugged her. "I love you, little sister."

"I love you, too. It's why I couldn't let them kill you. Even if you are with the enemy." Hannah pulled a small box out of her jacket and pressed a button on it.

Jess breathed a sigh of relief. She'd turned off the damper.

Hannah hung her head down. "I feel like I've just betrayed one family member for another."

Abigail shook her head. "You haven't betrayed Kurt. He doesn't want me dead, does he?"

"I don't know. He's so angry and hard to read. Especially when it comes to Jonah. You know how close the two of them were. But I don't want to live like that. It takes too much energy to hate. I'd rather get on with my life than worry about someone else's."

Jess cleared his throat. "Sorry to interrupt, but we need to find Ren."

"He's probably in the lower chamber."

Abigail arched her brow at that. Hannah had responded without any thought whatsoever. "How much time have you spent here?"

"Too much. Coyote..." Hannah paused as if seeking the right adjective for him.

"What?" Abigail prompted.

She squirmed like she used to do as a kid whenever she'd done something she thought their parents might punish her for. "Promise you won't hate me if I tell you something."

Abigail went cold with dread. What was wrong now? "Tell me what?"

"Promise me first."

Oh, she could wring her little sister's neck whenever she played these stupid games. "All right. I promise."

Hannah licked her lips and glanced about nervously. "Coyote was the one who killed your parents."

That news slammed into her with the force of gale winds and left her reeling. "What?"

She nodded. "He wanted your mom, but she wouldn't have anything to do with him. He'd gone to see her in various disguises and tried to seduce her. No matter what he did, she wouldn't look at him. Apparently the last time, she said something she shouldn't have and he killed them for it."