
But he would ensure that they did.

* * *

Abigail came out of her trance with a full understanding of everything around them.

Ren and Coyote were now in full combat mode, and they were going at it like nobody's business. They took turns pummeling each other through the tunnels of Coyote's den. She'd never seen a bloodier fight, which given the number of fights she'd been to over the years said a lot.

Glancing around, she looked for a weapon she might use that could help them.

Unfortunately, there wasn't one. But if arrogant belligerence could take down an opponent ...

There was no telling who would win. It would definitely be close. But she knew which side she was pulling for.

Go Red Sox.


"I'm here, Jess."

"So are we."

Now, that was the best news she'd heard in days. Leaving Ren and Coyote to their bashing, she ran for the opening. At least she hoped that was where she was headed.

She knew she was going in the right direction when an explosion echoed and blew pieces of rock everywhere.

Yeah, her boys had arrived. Leave it to them to make a grand entrance.

She ran to launch herself at Jess.

Jess smiled as he felt her soft curves pressed up against his hard body. And when she kissed him, he held on to her tight. Until he sensed something that shouldn't be here.

Pulling back, he cocked his head to listen.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"There are Daimons here."

She scowled. "No. Why would there be?"

"I don't know. But I can feel it. It's like a nest of them are nearby."

But that didn't make any sense. Why would Daimons be here with Coyote?

Unless ...

"Coyote's a trickster."

Jess cursed as he came to the same realization she did. How could they have been so ever-loving stupid?

This was a trap, and they'd just barreled right into it.

Jess would laugh if it weren't so damn ironic. One of his powers was the ability to know when he was about to be ambushed. And the den they were in had a damper on psychic powers. Not that he and Ren needed that right now, since they'd been draining each other for the last few days.

At best, his powers were working only at half-mast. And it wouldn't have mattered if they hadn't been. He still would have walked right into this.

For one simple reason.

He'd been so fixated on getting to Abigail and making sure she was safe, that he'd have been blind to everything else.