One Silent Night(55)

Stryker standing at her side while they fought to reclaim their place in the world that had been so hostile to them.

Closing her eyes, she imagined what it would be like to sit here with him while they commanded his army. Now that they had the power of the gallu inside them, they could come out of hiding and live again in the world of man.

No, not the world of man.

The world of the Daimon.

A slow smile curled her lips as she saw that so clearly in her mind. With Medea's powers, they could rout out whatever gallu were still around and corral other demons to see what powers they could strip from them and use, too. There was no limit to what they might be capable of doing.

They could even become a new breed of gods.

Why had she never thought of this before?

Because she'd been a shell of a person for far too long. She'd forgotten what it was like to have this fire inside her that wanted more. This fire that lived and breathed and consumed. The fire that wouldn't be denied and that craved a better existence than the one she'd known.

For the first time in centuries, she was whole and she saw a future for herself and her daughter. One of power . . .

Of destruction. . . .

"You don't need Stryker for that."

She opened her eyes to find War standing in front of her. More handsome than a god of destruction should be, he stood with his weight on one leg and an arrogant countenance that would have been devastating had she not known the truth of his lethal capriciousness. To him they were all nothing but pawns to be commanded and destroyed at his whims.

But she could never be so stupid. Rage simmered in her blood as she rose to her feet to let him know that she wasn't afraid of him or his powers. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Stryker, but instead, I see the most beautiful woman ever born. Truly you are exceptional."

She scoffed. "I don't flatter easily."

Before she could blink, he was beside her. His eyes were dark as he looked down at her with a hunger that was flattering, hot, and terrifying. A hint of a smile played at the edge of his lips. "And I don't give it as a rule. But you . . ." He sucked his breath in sharply as he gave her an appreciative once-over. "You are enough to drive even a god mad with desire."

She stiffened at his insinuation and at his underestimation of her resolve. "You're boring me."

His smile spread over his face and turned instantly charming . . . as if that could disguise the fact that he was a jackal waiting for a chance to leap at her throat. "I would never want to do that, love. In fact, what I want is to see you come into your own. Imagine a world where you alone rule. A world that is laid at your feet with servants and every desire you have ever had fulfilled."

Zephyra saw it clearly before her. Even with her eyes open, she could picture the very things he described. "And what price would I have to pay?"

He brushed a lock of her hair off her shoulder, his fingers lingering on her neck as he leaned close to inhale her scent. Strange how that failed to elicit the chills that appeared whenever Stryker touched her like that. Instead, she was cold and guarded. "No price. I only wanted to point out that Stryker has designated you and your daughter as his heirs. Should he die, all of this would be yours in his place."

She frowned at what he was implying.

"Think about it," he said seductively. "A world without serving Artemis. Thousands of warriors at your fingertips who are willing to die for your plea sure. Bolt holes that can take you anywhere on earth. You would be a power to reckon with and all you have to do is complete the mission Artemis gave you . . . the mission you owe her. Kill Stryker." He smiled at her as his tone turned deep and husky. "I know you want to, and deep inside so do you. Stryker left you once and you know that if given a chance, he'd do it again."

She tensed with the truth and doubt that lingered in her mind.

She knew she could trust herself. But could she honestly trust him?


Zephyra looked up as Stryker entered the bedroom, his eyes bright and cheeks flushed. He reminded her of a boy back from a thrill ride who was proud of himself for completing it.

It also reminded her of the boy who'd walked out and left her alone to fend for herself and her daughter. The boy who'd never once inquired about their welfare.

"Kill Stryker." War's words rang in her ears.

Strange how easy that assignment had seemed when Artemis had given it to her. It wasn't so simple now. Especially not when he flopped on the bed, by her side, and all the anger she wanted to feel toward him dissipated.

He was sex walking on two legs, and those legs were so long, they hung off the edge of the bed by at least ten inches. Even worse, the denim cupped his butt in a way that ought to be obscene and it made her want to sink her teeth into him. Or more to the point, wrap him around her until they were both sweaty and spent.