One Silent Night(33)

Stryker nodded in approval. "I had him in my sights a couple of hours ago before War went after him."

"Then he's probably in hiding."

"My thoughts exactly. But where?"

"The best place to hide is in plain sight. The bugger is there. We just have to figure it out."

NICK RAKED HIS HANDS THROUGH HIS HAIR AS he stared at the tiny African-American woman before him. She was a woman he'd thought he'd known his entire life and here in the last few minutes he'd learned that he had never really known her at all.

"I don't understand this. My father was a psychotic criminal who beat the hell out of my mom whenever she was dumb enough to let him into our apartment between his unfortunate incarcerations."

Menyara shook her head. "Your father was a demon who preferred prison because it was the last place the people who would kill him would think to look for him. Not to mention it allowed him to feed off their evil energy. He drew power from all their negativity."

Nick refused to believe it. It just wasn't possible. "You're wrong. My father was human." A corrupt, mean, and vicious man, but human through and through.

She shook her head again. "Listen to me, Ambrosius. I was there when you were born. I'm the one who delivered you and used my powers to keep you hidden from the rest of the worlds-those seen and those unknown. I knew the power you would one day wield and it terrified me even then. Why do you think I've watched over you so closely all these years?"

"I thought it was because you loved me and my mother."

"I do love you and I did love Cherise. She was a good woman with the heart of an angel. Never did she harm or think ill of a single person. It was why Adarian was able to seduce her. Why he was so attracted to her even when he shouldn't have been. He chose her for the sacred honor of being the mother to his legacy. What he never counted on was me and the degree to which your mother's purity would affect you."

"You're so full of shit, Menyara, you ought to be a cow pasture."

She angled one bony finger at him. "You better check that tone, boy. You're not so big I can't spank you like I did when you were young."

"I'm all-powerful. Isn't that what you told me?"

"And I bound your powers once. Don't think I can't do it again. Believe me, you're not the most powerful creature in this universe. There are many who can take you down."

Nick pulled back. Attacking her was pointless and it made him feel like his father-something he'd always despised. She was right. She'd been there all of his life, like a second mother to him. "I'm sorry, Mennie. I'm just having a hard time with all this. No offense, but it's a little hard to swallow."

She placed her hand against the bow and arrow mark of Artemis on his cheek. "You tried to sell your soul to a goddess for vengeance. How ludicrous is that?"

"Point taken, and I might add it turned out really bad. I just wish I understood more about all of this."

She dropped her hand to his shoulder. "What do you remember of your father?"

"Only the back of his hand as it fell across my face. He had 'hate' tattooed on the fingers of his right hand and 'kill' on those of his left. I don't even really remember what he looked like. All I see is a mountain of a man with eyes filled with hatred."

She sighed gently. "The Malachai. Corrupt. Angry. Bitter. Demons all. They were created from the worst of the universe to fight against those who were pure and caring. In spite of his flaws, your father survived longer than any Malachai before him. But he knew his time was growing short, which is why he fathered you. Each Malachai is allowed only one single son to carry on his legacy. You are it."

"And I killed myself, so it's all over."

She shook her head. "You have a means to return from the dead. You can reclaim your soul and be reborn."

"To what purpose?"

She smiled at him. "Only you can answer that question. Only we, ourselves, can define our purpose in this world. Your father's was to hurt and punish. Mine has been to protect you. Your goal . . . ?"

"To kill Acheron Parthenopaeus."

"And will that truly fill the bitter hole you've placed in your heart?"

Nick snarled at her, "I didn't put that hole there. He did."

"Look at me," she barked. "You tell Menyara the truth, boy."

Nick ground his teeth as bitter emotions swelled inside him. "Ash killed my mother."