No Mercy(98)

Not with her. He refused to kick her with the same gut punch she'd just delivered to him.

"Fine." He took a step away from her. "I'm not one to stay where I'm not wanted. Have a nice life. Maybe I'll see you around sometime."

Sam didn't move until he'd vanished. Then the sudden absence of his presence tore through her. It was like someone had ripped out her heart and left her vacant. The room seemed to shrink down to nothing and yet at the same time it left a hole in her life so large, it swallowed her whole.

Her eyes watered as tears gathered in her throat to choke her. "I'm so sorry, Dev." But he'd never hear that apology. Not now. Not after she'd effectively cut him off at his kneecaps and left his ego throbbing.

She tried to tell herself that it was for the best. That she was doing this to save him.

None of that mattered to her heart. It ached and it begged her to call him back. "I can't." He was gone and she had to leave it that way.

Even if it killed her.

Thorn didn't move as he felt a powerful presence behind him. Normally he'd be blasting anyone who dared to intrude on his sanctum.

But to do that to Savitar would be tantamount to suicide.

Well, not really.

It would, however, result in one seriously bloody battle that, while it would alleviate his boredom for a bit, would ruin his favorite suit.

"What could have possibly gotten you off the beach and brought you to my dark domain?" He turned his head to see Savitar standing behind him.

Dressed in white cargo pants and an open Hawaiian shirt, Savitar looked like any surfer right off the beach. Right down to his Birkenstock sandals, dark wind tossed hair, and opaque sunglasses.

Thorn arched a brow as he saw Shara frozen mid movement behind Savitar.

"You're tampering with my Were-Hunters again. You know how I feel about that."

Thorn scoffed at the ire in his tone. "Didn't realize you owned them. Not sure they've realized it either."

Savitar gave him a droll stare as he moved forward to stand in front of him. "You're lucky I didn't fight you when you grabbed Fang without my permission, but Dev...I want you to stay away from him."

"Why? This town not big enough for the two of us?"

A muscle ticced in Savitar's jaw. "Don't push me, Thorn. Don't forget that I know why you did what you did for Dev and Sam. Unlike them, I know you're not the asshole you pretend to be."

"There you'd be wrong, beach bum. I assure you. Every day I live is a study in how not to give in to the powers that beckon you. We're creatures of destruction."

"Then you should remember that. Leave Dev alone."

"And I repeat...why?"

Savitar gave an evil laugh.

"What are you doing here?"

Dev paused as he met Remi in the living room of Peltier House. In deference to the Dark-Hunters and other nocturnal creatures who visited them from time to time, this was the one room in the house where sunshine was allowed to flood in.

It had been their mother's favorite room and one Dev had spent many hours in, playing with his nieces and nephews.

Today, however, he didn't see the beauty of the room or his mother's impeccable decorating taste. Today, it was gloomy even with the sun shining bright.

And Remi's tone chafed him like a knife down his spine. "What? I can't come home?"

"Don't bark at me, asshole. I just thought you'd become the internal kidney for your new honey and since she's not here..."

"She's not my honey." Dev started for the stairs, but Remi stopped him.