No Mercy(83)

The first hound to reach them went for Scorpio's throat. Hairless and bloodred, the hounds had small heads and a bony ridge that ran all the way down their spine to the tip of the burred tails that looked like a pointed mace--a mace they brandished with evil intent. With the teeth of a saber-toothed cat, the leucrotae were a force to be reckoned with.

Sam felt completely helpless as Fang and Dev turned into animals to fight. Scorpio and Ethon hacked at the leucrotae and tried to drive them back into the dark abyss. One of the dogs came at her. Instinctively she tensed in expectation of the fight. But the hound went right up to her, sat on his haunches, then barked twice and returned to the fight.

Two more hounds repeated the gesture, before they went on to ignore her while they attacked the others.

How weird...

"Lucky you." Ethon growled as he tried to pound the one off his forearm where its teeth were shredding his flesh.

"Are they made of armor?" Scorpio asked in Spanish.

Ethon cursed. "Not supposed to be. I think their flesh is just that strong. Remember, their weakness is their eyes and the soft tissue of their mouths."

Sam felt completely helpless as she watched them fighting the hounds. What could she do? She kept trying to hit them, but her arms were worthless.


An idea struck her. She summoned her telekinesis. Throwing her hand out, she mentally grabbed a nearby rock and held her breath, hoping this would work. She concentrated and tried to lift it.

It did!

Her heart pounding, she threw it at the hound that was on Dev's leg. The rock hit it hard enough to knock the hound sideways. It yelped and growled, then returned to the fight as if nothing had happened.

Now that she had a way to fight against the hounds, she joined the fray. She was even able to pry the jaws open on the one that had Ethon.

"Bless you," he breathed, wringing his arm out of its bloodied razor-sharp jaws. But as soon as he threw that one off, three more latched on. "Gah, whoever heard of piranha Cujo? I am never going to own a dog again or anything that even remotely resembles one."

Scorpio laughed. "They're not dogs, amigo. Is that not what you said to me?"

"I lied and now the gods are punishing me for it." Ethon would be funny if they weren't all in the process of getting maimed.

Sam used her powers to pull one off Dev. "You should have brought Chi for this."

Ethon scoffed. "Oh, now why would I want to bring a demon expert into a demon realm to fight demons? Where would the challenge be in that?"

Sam glared at him. "Bite him, Cujo. Right there in the fleshy part of his thigh where it'll really hurt."

"Aigh!" Ethon cried as the dog did just what she told him to. He curled his lip at her. "That was wrong. Another inch and I'd be falsetto."

She ignored his anger as she realized something...had that been a coincidence?

Or did the dogs actually understand her?

"Leucrotae, heel!"

It did nothing to stop them. They kept gnawing, biting, and attacking her friends.

Maybe they don't understand the command.

So she tried something that should make sense to them. "Leucrotae, stamata!"

The hounds let go of their victims and stopped just like she'd ordered.

Holy actually worked. "Ela!" She snapped her fingers to emphasize the "come here" command.

Like clockwork the hounds withdrew to her side. Several of them jumped up as if trying to reach her. "Kato!" True to the word, they settled down.
