No Mercy(78)

And even in the body of a Chihuahua, an Amazon was a Rottweiler.

She reached out to brush a strand of his hair away from his eyes, only to feel nothing. Her fingers affected nothing. She felt the absence of his warmth all the way to her missing soul.

I wish I could touch you, Dev.

Not wanting him to know how much that thought made her ache, she offered him a smile. "Well, the good news is in this incarnation, I don't have anyone's emotions haunting me."

"See, there's always a bright side."

And he always saw it, but not her. While she lived life to the fullest and grabbed it with both hands, she'd never really seen the beauty of it. She'd lost that ability.

Until she'd seen Dev standing outside of Sanctuary.

Dev reminded her of the things she'd learned to ignore. With him she actually felt the happiness--the exuberance--that life had to offer.

"I wish I could make love to you."

He sucked his breath in sharply. "You talk like that, you're going to kill me." He moved to stand just before her. "I wish I could smell you."

She pulled back sharply. "Smell me?" What a repugnant thought.

He nodded. "Your scent makes me drunk. I love having it on my sheets and on my body."

Yeah okay, not gross. That was actually a thought that made her hot and needy. "I really hate Thorn right now."

"Me too. You think we should kill the prick?"

She laughed. How was it that he always made her laugh no matter how dire the event or circumstance?

Dev dropped his hungry gaze down to her lips. An action that made her stomach contract with wanton heat. "We can look on the bright side though."

"I don't have to look for parking spaces in New Orleans?"

His laugh was deep and rich, and it sent a shiver over her. "There's a perk I didn't think about. But I was referring to the lack of Daimon attention. It's actually quiet for once."

Sam wasn't willing to concede that to him. "Yeah, that would be a big bonus if I could have sex with you."

His brows shot up in surprise. "Now who's being the horn dog?"

She wrinkled her nose playfully as her hand ached to feel his hair in her palm. "Definitely me, and only because I know how torturous it is for you."

"Well, I could surf online and you could read a novel on the bed while we ignore each other, then we could pretend we're a happily married couple."

She laughed again. "Is that really what you'd do with your wife?"

"Absolutely never. I've lived hundreds of years alone. If I were ever lucky enough to find my mate, I'd spend the rest of my life letting her know how grateful I am to have her."

"How totally un horn dog of you."

"I know," he whispered. "So don't tell anyone. You'd ruin my rep." He reached for her, then dropped his hand as he remembered he couldn't touch her. "What about you? Did you ever ignore your husband?"

A knot choked her as she remembered Ioel and his charming smile. She could count on one hand the number of years she'd been lucky enough to know him. "I didn't have him long enough to grow bored. Maybe it would have happened eventually, but I doubt it. It's ironic really. We both knew when we agreed to it that we'd have a short marriage. With both of us being warriors, the odds were never in our favor. It was just a matter of the wrong blow during the right battle. So from the moment we came together, we knew to value every heartbeat because it could be our last."

Dev ached for the pain he heard in her words and the torment he saw in her eyes. "I'm so sorry for what happened."

"What? That my sister was a selfish bitch? That definitely wasn't your fault."

"No, but families are supposed to hang together in every adversity. It sickens me when they don't. I wish I could kill your sister for you."