No Mercy(70)

Naive maybe, but right now this asshole was really starting to piss him off with his B-grade movie theatrics and warnings. It was all he could do not to leap at his throat.

As if sensing his intent, Fang put a hand on his shoulder to remind him that reserve was the key to getting what he wanted out of Thorn. If he was like Savitar, overt aggression might get Sam killed.

For her and her alone, he'd corral his temper.

Fang cleared his throat. "You once told me that there's more than one kind of death."

Thorn savored a deep draught before he answered. "There is indeed."

"Then what kind of death will they have?"

One corner of Thorn's mouth quirked up. "You know I can't answer that, Wolf. Well...I could, but it might change things and that might suck. Might not, but who am I to tamper with such odds?" He looked over his shoulder. "Shara? Be a dear and fetch our latest two guests here at the Hotel California."

"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave...." The reference to the old seventies Eagles song wasn't lost on Dev.

What is his deal? Dev mouthed to Fang.

Fang's eyes widened in warning for him to behave--something that was virtually impossible for someone who lived to irritate others.

Thorn rose to his feet.

Dev stepped back, not out of fear, but awe. There was a solid aura about him that was ancient and lethal. Something that said, in spite of his impeccable manners and speech, he was much more at home slashing throats than chatting. And for some reason, Dev had an image of him engulfed by flames.

Thorn glanced to Dev. "Forgive my rudeness. I'd offer you both something to drink, but trust me, you don't want any of what I have. Ever."

Okay...Nice boss, Fang. This guy was not Acheron. He was spooky as shit and definitely out to lunch. Dev had never thought he'd ever meet someone who could make Savitar or Ash appear normal, but Thorn...

Gods help them if the two of them ever combined forces.

And it made him wonder what Thorn might have done with Sam. Was she safe?

I haven't harmed her. Scout's honor.

He tensed at the sound of Thorn's voice in his head. He locked gazes to find a knowing look on Thorn's face.

Yes, Bear, I hear all, and Sam is quite safe.

Dev ground his teeth, reminding himself to keep his thoughts on the weather and not the freaky power of Thorn.

A few seconds later, Shara returned with...Dev wasn't sure what the two of them were. On first impression, they appeared to be Daimons, but he was picking up on something else. Another layer of powers that made no sense whatsoever.

Thorn indicated them with his goblet. "Amaranda. Cael. Meet Fang, who is one of your colleagues, and his brother-in-law Dev."

Amaranda was a stunning creature. In a pale pink summer dress, her tawny skin belied her nocturnal race. And with a feral aura that would give Thorn's a run for his money, Cael was dressed in a black vest with no shirt underneath and a pair of ragged jeans.

Dev's gaze went straight to the bow-and-arrow mark on Cael's exposed hip. "You're a Dark-Hunter?"

Cael flashed him a fanged grin. "Sort of."

Uh-huh...Dev narrowed his gaze on him as all of his defenses ran into high gear. "What's sort of a Dark-Hunter?"

Thorn gave an evil laugh before he explained. "A Dark-Hunter who foolishly falls in love with an Apollite who turns him into a Daimon to save his life." He turned to Fang. "See why I tried to tell you love is far more sinister than anything I could ever do? I'm convinced it's why Acheron's wedding ring is black with skulls and crossbones on it." He paused to give Fang a pointed stare. "But you didn't listen to me either." He indicated Amaranda and Cael with a jerk of his chin. "I couldn't stand to see such warriors wasted so I took them under my wing."

Dev had a feeling that being taken under Thorn's wing was only slightly better than being run down by a Mack truck. And then backed up over just for good measure. "How so?"

"He saved us," Amaranda said. "We were on the run from my people and Cael's."

Dev gave her a droll stare. "Ya think? You live on human souls and people tend to get a little pissed off about it. Damn rotten bastards. Can't imagine why that would be a bad thing."