No Mercy(56)

Mercy, my ass...

That wasn't in her. Not anymore. It hadn't been since the day she'd crossed over and seen the real horrors life had heaped on not just her, but countless others. Images of the past burned her while she lay there and they left her aching. Wanting.

Please help me....

A light snore behind her drew her attention away from the past to realize that a heavy, muscular arm was draped protectively over her. To the fact that a warm body was pressed up against hers.


The bear held her like she was unspeakably precious. Like her husband had once done...

Tenderness swept through her. How she'd missed waking up like this. That feel of a man's body entwined with hers. Of his prickly hairs rough against her legs. His hard cock resting against her hip. She didn't know why she liked being with Dev. He drove her straight up the walls with no stop sign in sight. He manhandled her, which she hated with a passion, and was the epitome of a male horn dog at times.

He was arrogant. Hard-headed...

And he risked his life to keep her safe. Even now he didn't have to be here and yet there he lay.

Like a teddy bear. She silently laughed at the thought. There was nothing cuddly about Dev. He was all sinewy muscle and he was huge.

Her gaze went to the bow-and-arrow tattoo on his arm. He hadn't made the sacrifice she had, but he understood the call. Sam swallowed. I don't want to be dead anymore....

She'd been alone for so long. Had hurt and sucked up her tears for centuries. Nothing had ever eased it.

Until now. For what ever reason, Dev took away the pain she felt. He somehow made things better with his screwed-up humor and peculiar outlook.

It was so wrong. She was a Dark-Hunter and he a Were-Hunter. They were supposed to be enemies.

Yet it didn't feel that way. And right now with his breath falling on her skin and his arms wrapped around her, she wanted him. She wanted to bathe in the warmth he gave her. Breathe him in until she was drunk on his scent...

Dev came awake to the sweetest kiss he'd ever been given. Tender and hot, it set fire to him as Sam draped her naked body over his. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, reminding him of why he was so glad he was a man.

She nipped his lips with her fangs before she pulled back to look down at him. Her nightgown was gone, she'd thrown it on the floor before she woke him, and her curls spilled around her creamy shoulders. Her eyes were once again dark brown. She was the Dark-Hunter and right now, he was her willing victim.

He smiled at her. "Now that's the way to wake a guy up."

She shook her head, causing those curls to bounce beautifully. "No...this is the way to wake him up."

Before he could ask her what she meant, she slid down his body and dipped her head to take him into her mouth. His mind spun as pleasure ripped through his entire being.

Yeah, she was definitely right on that account. This was a much better way to wake a guy up. Ah, hell, he'd gladly wake up in a good mood every day if it started out like this. He sucked his breath in sharply as her tongue darted down the length of him before she took him completely into her mouth. His eyes rolled back in his skull as he shook all over.

He sank his hand in her soft, honey curls as he watched her savor him. Damn if she wasn't the most incredible woman he'd ever known. He loved the fact that she wasn't shy or inhibited in any way. She loved him like it would be the last time she'd ever touch a man. Like they would be dead in a minute and this was her last chance to live.

Her intensity and skills were incredible. He laid his hand against her cheek as his powers surged. What was it about her that she could feed his abilities the way she did? More than that, she touched him in a place no woman ever had before.

His heart.

All his life, he'd been alone. Yeah, he'd been around people, but no one had ever seen him. He'd never allowed people, not even his brothers, to get that close to him. Not after he'd lost Bastien and Gilbert. As a young cub, he'd worshiped his older brothers and when they'd died protecting Aimee...

He'd never gotten over their loss. Not really. It was why he'd always been so protective of his sister and mother. He'd wanted to make his brothers proud. To let them know that even though they were gone, the snot-nose cub left behind could hold his own.

Life was shit. He knew that as well as anyone else and he hated just how much it had crapped all over Sam. He wanted to take her away from the pain that had been thrown at her. Take her away from the hostile world they both lived in.

But right now, she was the one taking him away from the hurt and the misery.

Sam growled as she nibbled on Dev. She'd always loved the way a man tasted. The way he smelled and felt. And Dev...He was sweeter than anything.

Hungry for more, she gave one last lick before she crawled up his body and impaled herself on him. He gave a deep, manly growl. She lifted his hand from her breast so that she could nip and tease the pads of his fingers while she rode him soft and easy. Oh, how she wanted to stay with him like this forever.