No Mercy(4)

"Depends. Is there an ass-whipping in it and will you be naked when you do it?"

She gave him an arch stare. "So you like to have your ass whipped?"

"Not really, but so long as you're naked when you do it I could take it quite happily...."

She laughed. "Kinky. I like that."

He had no idea why he was flirting with her. While he was as much of a manwhore as any of his unmated brothers, he didn't normally waste time on women he knew were off his menu. And sleeping with Dark-Hunters was a key no-no in their world...for many, many reasons.

But he couldn't seem to help himself. There was something about her that invited him straight to suicide. "More horny actually. It's been a while."

She sucked her breath in sharply. "Brutal honesty. Nice change of pace. Most men would try flattery first."

He shrugged. "I would say life's too short to beat around the bush, but I'll live for centuries and you for eternity so for us, not a concern. So I'll just say that I don't like to play games or sugarcoat things and leave it at that."

"A bear after my own heart, but don't you know we're not supposed to fraternize?"

He shrugged. "I don't like following rules."

She dipped her gaze down his body with a heated look that set his hormones on fire. "Me neither."

"Yeah, I can tell by the way you drive."

Sam really didn't want to be charmed by the werebeast in front of her, but honestly she couldn't seem to help it. There was something about him that made her smile. And it wasn't just that he was hotter than hell. Or that he had a smile that should be illegal.

He just seemed to be the kind of person who was fun to hang out with and in her world such people were few and far between. His long, curly blond hair was pulled back from a face that appeared to be chiseled from steel. Blue eyes teased her with their intelligence and humor.

And his body...

She could lick on that all night long. Even more disturbing, there was something about him that reminded her of Ioel and the way he'd always been able to make her smile no matter how bad her day had sucked. Even after thousands of years, she still missed him.

Trying not to think about that, she dropped her gaze to Dev's arm, which bulged with well-defined muscles, then frowned as she saw the tattoo peeking out from under the short sleeve.

Was that...

No. Surely not.

Before she could stop herself, she pulled his sleeve up with her gloved hand to find a double bow-and-arrow mark just like the one Artemis had given her on the night she'd been converted into a Dark-Hunter and brought back to life to fight against the vampiric Daimons. The only difference was that Sam's was a brand and his was definitely ink.

She arched a brow at him. "Should I ask?"

He grinned roguishly. "I like yanking the chains of the gods."

"You must. From what I hear Artemis doesn't have much of a sense of humor."

"She hasn't killed me for it yet."

He definitely had guts. "Are you that brave or that stupid?"

"My mother used to say the two walk hand in hand."

That amused her. Her mother had once said something very similar to her as well.

Shaking her head, she sought to change the subject to the real reason she was here and to remind herself why she shouldn't find this man interesting in the least. "Have any Daimons shown up tonight?"

"You know I'm not supposed to tell you if they do." That code of honor between the Daimons and the Were-Hunters had always annoyed her. The Were-Hunters had been created out of the same race as the Daimons and so they tended to share a bond with their "cousins."

"You guys are as much human as you are Daimon."