No Mercy(113)

The demons had Ethon and Nick pinned. Chi was completely out of sight. And more demons were coming in.

Lazaros rushed for Sam.

With a battle cry, Dev lunged at him, but just as he reached the demon, it darted and swiped him with its tail. One minute he was about to stab it, in the next he was flying through the air, ass over tea kettle.

Sam snarled as she found her human power. Screw the Dark-Hunter crap. She didn't need it.

The lioness in her roared to life and all she could focus on was saving the people in this room who meant the most to her. And Dev topped that list.

She picked up the fallen sword that Ethon had dropped and true to her Amazon nature, she attacked with every instinct and skill she possessed. She dodged and swerved, hacked and sliced. Lazaros blasted her and she ducked, letting the blasts fly past her and hit the couch, walls, and tables which started burning.

"I hate you bastards," Nick snarled as he saw the damage. "Couldn't you have attacked at Ash's house?"

Not paying Nick's outburst any attention, she completely disengaged herself to keep Dev safe.

Dev was impressed by Sam's prowess as she met every attack with a counter. He'd never seen anything like it and when she came up and stabbed Lazaros in his side, his heart stopped.

Lazaros whipped his tail around and pinned her to the floor.

Rage consumed him as he went for the demon. Lazaros turned to confront him. Sam rolled out from under Lazaros's tail and scrambled for the sword she'd dropped. The moment the hilt was in her hand, she threw it at the demon.

She pinned Lazaros's head to the wall like a grisly trophy. The demon screamed out in agony, shuddered, and then died.

Still the others kept coming.

Sam picked up another sword as she met Dev. She kissed him quickly on the lips, then turned to keep fighting.

"How do we stop them?" Ethon shouted.

Nick cursed. "They're not responding to my powers. There's nothing I can do."

Sam had no powers to use. She looked at Dev.

Dev shrugged. "I say we beat them down until they kill us."

All of sudden, there was a bright flash of light as Acheron appeared in the center of the room. He swept his gaze around them and took in everything before he slammed his staff down and sent a shock of something reverberating through the entire house. It was like some kind of weird sonic boom that shook the very foundation and made the demons disintegrate.

Ethon, bleeding and sweating, glared at Acheron. "'Bout time, boss. What kept you?"

Chi appeared beside Acheron. "I didn't want to bother him. But it was getting too close for my comfort level so I went for the big gun."

Ash gave her an irritated smirk. "Next time someone unleashes a herd of demons, an early call would be nice. I don't want to be scraping up my team's entrails. Took too much to train all of you to start over with recruits."

Nick scoffed. "We were handling it just fine. We didn't need your help."

"Really?" Ash arched his regal brow. "Let me clue you in on one of your powers, Nick. You can charge off the power of a demon. If you don't, they charge off you and grow in strength."

That took the cockiness right out of Nick. "What?"

"You are the Energizer Bunny for badasses." Acheron looked at Chi. "I thought you were training him?"

"We haven't gotten to that yet. He's a stubborn pupil who doesn't listen to me much."

Acheron let out a sound of deep disgust before he turned back to Nick. "And I thought teaching you to drive sucked." Then he mumbled under his breath. "Hardheaded..." the rest was in some language Sam couldn't understand.

Nick held up his hand. "Stop bitching and make yourself useful for once. Clean up my house."

Ash scoffed. "Do I look like a Merry Maid to you?"