No Mercy(10)

It was criminal.

She had her jacket back on as well as a pair of opaque sunglasses. Even so, he remembered how pretty her eyes had been and it made him wonder what their real color was. All Dark-Hunters had dark brown eyes. No matter what eye color they'd been born with, the moment they were brought back to life, in addition to being extremely light sensitive, their eyes were so dark as to be almost black. If they were ever lucky enough to get their souls back from Artemis, their eye color would revert to their human color and they'd become mortal again.

For some reason, he had an image of Sam with bright green eyes.

You're being so stupid.

Yeah, he was. He'd never been the romantic kind of guy. It went with that whole half animal thing. Romance was for men who had to beg for women. Something that had never been his problem. Part of the blessing, or curse depending on your viewpoint, of being a shapeshifter was a deep magnetism that caused humans to seek them out and want to pet them. That allure definitely came in handy.

"I thought you'd be home by now," he said as she neared him. Then he realized how stupid that comment was since he was standing right in front of her motorcycle.

Der...He might as well be wearing a sign that said I'm a moron. Please help me remember where I live. Oh yeah, it's right behind me.

In my defense it's late and all the blood has fled from my brain to the central part of my body.

She didn't comment on his blatant stupidity as she stopped just in front of him and gave him a tight-lipped smile. Those sunglasses kept her eyes shielded from him, but he could sense her gaze on his body like a physical touch and it made him ache for her to brush her hand against his flesh. "I wanted to ask you more questions about your hallucination."

"Please tell me it's the one I have where you mistake my body for a popsicle."

She let out a short laugh. "Where did that come from?"

Easy. The image he had in his head right now of her naked in his bed. "A bear can dream, can't he?"

"A bear can dream. But those dreams can also get him skinned."

"Will you be naked when you skin me?"

She shook her head. "Does everything come back to being naked?"

"Not everything. Just when a beautiful woman's involved and only if I'm really lucky.... Any chance I might get lucky tonight?"

She let out a short "heh" sound. "You sure you're a bear and not a horn dog?"

He laughed. "Believe it or not, I'm not usually quite this bad."

"Why don't I believe you when you tell me that?"

"Probably because I've been really bad tonight." He winked at her. "I'll stop. You said you have a question that unfortunately does not involve nudity?"

Sam had to force herself to keep a straight face while he continued to tease her. Don't let your guard down. Men like Dev only wanted a woman for a few hours and then they were done with her.

No matter how cute he was, he was not her type and she was definitely not interested in learning the inner haunts of his mind.

"That Daimon you think you saw...did he say anything to you?"

"Not really. Just asked when we'd reopen."

"You remember what he looked like?"

He gave her a droll stare before he answered in a flat tone. "Blond and tall."

Sam rolled her eyes at his description. All Daimons, unless they dyed their hair, which was rare, were blond and tall. "Anything else?"

"He had fangs and dark eyes."

Like every Daimon she'd ever seen. "You're really not helpful.... Would you mind if I touched you?"

His right eyebrow shot north before that familiar teasing light came into his blue eyes. "Touch me where?"