Night Pleasures(91)

"Want to bet that's what Streigar said, too?"

Kyrian growled. "Don't you have class today?"

Nick laughed at that. "Boy, I'm a backwoods Cajun, I ain't never got no class, cher." He cleared his throat and dropped the thick Cajun accent. "And no, today's registration. I've got to figure out what I'm taking next semester."

"Fine, but I have a few things I need you to do today."

"And that is different from any other day how?"

Sarcasm, thy name is Nick Gautier.

"I need you to take Amanda shopping for clothes. The Daimons burned her house down and she has nothing except the clothes on her back."

Nick arched a brow. "From what I saw, she had no clothes whatsoever on her back. Her front neither."

Kyrian narrowed his eyes on his Squire.

"Don't have a hissy." Nick held his hands up in mock surrender. "I know she's yours and I would never encroach, but man, I'm not blind, either."

"One day, Gator bait..."

"Yeah, right. That threat might actually carry weight if I didn't know how much you live to order me around. You'd go insane if you couldn't page me at all hours of the night."

Kyrian couldn't deny that. The nights did have a way of getting long and boring when there were no Daimons to pursue. And bugging Nick at three a.m. did provide some entertainment.

Nick pulled out his Palm Pilot and made notes on it. "All right, secret mission, take woman shopping." He looked up at Kyrian. "By the way, I want hazard pay for this. I seriously hate the mall."

Kyrian laughed. "That I can tell by the way you dress."

Nick gave him a fake wounded look. "Excuse me, Mr. Armani. I happen to like the grunge look."

"Sorry. I keep forgetting it's fashionable to look like you just rolled out from under a Dumpster."

Stuttering in indignation, Nick pretended offense. "Why don't you take your butt back to bed and save your oozing charm for your woman? 'Cause if you keep this up, I'm going to stake you..." then under his breath, he added, "while you sleep."

Kyrian crossed his arms over his chest. "All right, you'll get your bonus, but play nice with her. Keep your sarcasm to a minimum."

"Yes, O great Lord and Master." Nick added another note-"Be nice to woman, keep mouth shut"-then he looked up. "By the way, is there a limit on what I'm to spend for her clothes?"

"No. Whatever she wants to spend."

"Visit Needless-Markup and Lord and Taylor. All right, next?"

"Have her back here before dusk or I'm going to feed your Cajun hide to Talon's gators."

A glimmer of fear flashed in his eyes. Nick hated alligators, but Kyrian had no idea why. "All right, that scares me."

"I also want you to go by Talon's and pick up a srad. Let's give Desiderius a surprise he won't see coming."

Nick visibly cringed at the mention of Talon's circular daggers. It was an ancient weapon that made a Ginsu look like a butter knife. "Do you even know how to use that thing?"

"Yes, I do." Kyrian took a deep breath. "Now, I need some sleep. Your primary job today is to take care of Amanda."

Nick turned off his Palm Pilot and clipped it to his belt. "You like her, don't you?"

Kyrian didn't answer. He didn't dare. Neither one of them needed to know that one.

Instead, he left Nick sitting at the computer and went back to his room.