Night Pleasures(53)

As soon as it had turned dark, he had gone hunting for her.

It was the first time in his Dark-Hunter life that he'd pursued a human.

"You know," she said, that soft, lilting drawl sending an electric charge down his spine straight to his groin. "You didn't have to pick me up. You could have just called the office and checked on me."

Kyrian cleared his throat as he felt heat creep over his face. Dammit! She had him blushing? He hadn't blushed since he was a callow youth over two thousand one hundred and sixty years ago. "I didn't have your number."

"You could have gotten it from any phonebook or information. And of course, Grace has it."

He felt her smiling at him.

"Heck, you could have probably picked it right out of my brain." Her look turned devilish, suspicious. "I bet you just wanted to see me again, didn't you?"

"No," he said a little too quickly.

"Umm-hmmm." Disbelief echoed in her tone. "Why don't I believe that?"

"Probably because I never could lie worth a damn."

They both laughed.

Amanda watched him while he drove. He had his small round sunglasses back on and looked more dashing than any man had a right to.

"Tell me something?" she asked.

He arched a brow expectantly, but didn't say anything as he kept looking straight ahead.

"Do you really like being a Dark-Hunter?"

He glanced at her and smiled a smile that actually showed his fangs. "Tell me how many jobs are out there where you get to play hero every night. My pay is astronomical and I live forever. What is there not to love about this job?"

"But don't you ever get lonely?" she asked.

"You can be in a crowd and be lonely."

"I guess so. Still..."

He looked sideways at her. "Why don't you ask me what you want to know?"

"Since you can read my thoughts why don't you answer it?"

His smile widened hungrily like a wolf that had just found its next meal. "Yes, sweeting, I think you're incredibly sexy. And I would love nothing more than to take you back to my place and make your toes curl."

Heat consumed her face. "I hate the way you do that. You're worse than Tabitha. Good Lord, do all Dark-Hunters have that kind of power?"

"No, baby, just me." Then he added, "Each one of us has our own set of abilities."

"I have to say, I really wish you had a different one."

"All right, love. For you, it's gone. No more mind reading."

As Amanda watched him, she realized that even though he was blustery and macho, there was still a decent heart underneath it all. "You're a good man, Hunter."

"I'm a good vampire, you mean."

"Yes, but you don't suck blood."

One corner of his mouth quirked at that. "So Julian told you that, did he?"