Night Pleasures(114)

Amanda came awake with a start. It took a full minute to realize she had fallen asleep in Tabitha's hospital room, lying against Nick. Her mother was asleep on the cot they had rolled in a short time ago, and she and Nick had taken the two uncomfortable chairs by the door.

Tabitha was still asleep on the bed where the doctors wanted to monitor her until morning. A Daimon had viciously cut a line down her sister's cheek that would leave an ugly scar. Bruises and cuts lined her body, but the doctor had assured them that Tabitha would heal.

Their sisters had gone home at their mother's urging, but Amanda had stayed just in case either of them needed anything. Her heart pounding, she looked up as her father returned to the room with two cups of coffee in his hands. He handed one to Nick. "You want mine, kitten?" he asked Amanda, holding his cup out to her.

Amanda smiled at her father's kindness until she remembered her vision.

"You okay?" her father asked.

She looked at Nick, her heart pounding. "Kyrian's in trouble."

Nick laughed before taking a drink of coffee. "You were dreaming."

"No, Nick. He's in trouble. I saw him."

"Just relax, Amanda, you've had a really bad day and you're worried about Tabitha. It's understandable, but Kyrian never gets in over his head. He's fine. Trust me."

"No," she insisted, "listen to me. I'm the first to admit I hate my powers, but I know they're not lying to me. I can feel his panic and pain. We have to find him."

"You can't go out there," her father said. "What if this Desiderius is waiting for you? What if he sends someone to hurt you like he did Tabby?"

She met her father's pale blue eyes and offered him a small smile. "Daddy, I have to go. I can't let him die."

Nick sighed. "Amanda, come on. He's not going to die."

She dug at his coat pocket. "Then give me the keys to your car and I'll go myself."

Nick playfully captured his keys from her hand. "Kyrian would have my head."

"He can't have your head if they kill him."

She saw the indecision on his face. Nick set his coffee on the floor, then picked up his cell phone and dialed it.

"See," she said. "He's not answering."

"That doesn't mean anything this time of night. He could be in the middle of a fight."

"Or he could be seriously hurt."

Nick pulled his PDA out of its cradle on his belt and turned it on. After a few seconds, his face paled.

"What is it?"

"His tracer's off."


"I can't track him. No Dark-Hunter turns their tracer off. It's their lifeline if they get into trouble." Nick shot to his feet and shrugged his coat on. "Okay, let's go."

Her father stepped between them and the door. He stood even in height to Nick and had his entire body braced for a fight. "You're not taking my baby out there to get hurt. I'll kill you first."

Amanda stepped around Nick and kissed her father on his cheek. "It's okay, Daddy. I know what I'm doing."

By the light in his eyes, she knew he doubted her.

"Let her go, Tom," her mother said from her cot. "There's no danger to her tonight. Her aura is pure."

"Are you sure?" he asked her mother.