Night Play(97)

Vane sat back on his heels and looked at Kyrian and Amanda over his shoulder. "I've got a shield on the house that should keep them out. Notice I said should. I have no idea what else the demon is capable of, especially if Amanda invites him into the house again."


Bride looked up at the sound of a new deeply masculine voice. Now this was without a doubt the last person she expected to see here.

Though why she was surprised, she couldn't imagine. At the rate things were happening, for all she knew the woman who rang up her groceries at the supermarket might very well be a were-snake or zombie.

Why not?

"Ash?" Bride asked, recognizing the extremely tall, and incredibly sexy, addition to the room.

At six feet eight, decked out in black leather and possessing an aura that could only be defined as pure sexual attraction, Ash Parthenopaeus was a hard man to miss.

"You know Acheron?" Vane asked her.

"Yeah, he comes into the shop every few months with a cute, albeit odd girlfriend who practically buys the whole place out." Bride looked back at Ash.

"You're one of these weirdos, too, huh?"

"Guilty," Ash said, offering her a charming smile.

"Great," Bride breathed. "Anyone else I need to know about?"

The room's occupants looked around sheepishly.

Vane stood up and faced Ash. "What do you know about Alastor?"

"That he's leashed. Your mother bargained with him to kidnap the mates of you, Fury, and Fang. It's a oneway ticket. He took Bride to your mother and there's nothing she can do to negotiate with him anymore."

"Are you sure about that?"

Ash folded his arms over his chest. "I can put my personal guarantee on it."

"Then he'll be back whenever Fang mates?" Fury asked.

"Yes," Ash said. "And to answer your next question, yes again. He'll come for your mate, too."

Fury cursed.

"Sorry," Ash said. "But look on the bright side; your mother puts the 'fun' in dysfunctional."

"You're not amusing, Ash," Vane said. "I thought you were going to protect Bride for me."

"I had intended to, but didn't have time. Even I can't be in two places at once."

"Pity," Vane said. "If you knew about Alastor, couldn't you have told me about it before this?"

"You haven't exactly been talking to me these last few months, Vane.

Besides, it's not wise to interfere with the order of fate."

"I hate it when you start that fate crap. This is me, Acheron, not one of your friggin' Dark-Hunters. I know what you are and I know what you can do.

Damn you for playing with us."

Fire snapped in Acheron's eyes. "I'm not playing with you, wolf, and you better pray I never do."

By the look on Vane's face, Bride could tell he wanted to strike out at Ash, but knew better than to try.