Night Play(121)

"Dum dum dum, duuuum." Fury hummed the tune to Dragnet from the back seat.

"Shut up, Fury," Vane said as he got out. Although to be honest, he found Fury's humming a bit calming since it reminded him of Fang's offbeat sense of humor.

Fury climbed out last and stayed back by Vane's side while Bride led them toward the front door.

Vane really did feel like he was walking to his execution. Parents. Eeek.

Bride knocked on the door, then turned to give them an encouraging smile. Vane offered her a wan one back.

The door opened to show a woman about three inches shorter than Bride, who had the same exact build. Her short black hair was liberally laced with gray and she had an older version of Bride's face.

"Baby!" the woman exclaimed before she pulled her daughter into a tight hug. While she hugged Bride, the woman looked up at him.

Vane felt sick and fought the urge to step back. Not that he could with Fury standing on the stairs behind him.

"You must be Vane," Bride's mother said happily. "I've heard so much about you. Please, come in."

Bride entered the house first. Vane stepped inside and turned as Fury, who had his hands in his pockets, joined them.

"You must be Fury," her mother said, holding her hand out to him. "I'm Joyce."

"Hi, Joyce," Fury said, shaking her hand.

Vane expected the same, but instead Joyce pulled him into a tight hug. She patted him on the back and let go. "I know you two are probably nervous. Don't be. Just make yourself at home and"

A large black rottweiler came running from the back of the house to jump up at Vane.

"Titus!" Joyce snapped.

The dog ignored her as he lay on his back in a submissive pose. Vane reached down and petted him to let the dog know that he acknowledged his rank and to assert his own alpha status.

"Well, isn't that strange?" Joyce said. "Titus usually tries to eat anyone new he meets."

"Vane has a way with animals," Bride said vaguely.

Her mother smiled. "Good then, you'll fit right in here at the McTierney Zoo."

Titus got up and went to Fury to lick his fingers. Fury patted the dog's head while Vane looked around the cozy house, which was decorated in a country style.

The tan couches were stuffed and piled high with cushions.

An empty bird perch stood in one corner and a giant freshwater fish tank was built into the far wall. Vane heard more dogs out in the yard and something that sounded like an entire collection of birds singing from upstairs.

"The men are out back," Joyce said as she led them toward the back of the house, past three aquariums that held one large boa constrictor, a lizard of some sort, and two gerbils. "Your father has a new stray that came in a few days ago that no one can manage. Poor thing won't eat and it tries to mangle anyone who comes near him."

"What's wrong with him?" Bride asked.

"I don't know. Animal control pulled him out of a ditch where they think someone must have dumped him. He's been badly beaten and had worms real bad."

Vane cringed in sympathy.

They entered the kitchen where a slender, tall blond woman was standing over a mixing bowl. "Mom, how much salt" Her words ended in a shriek as she turned and saw Bride. "Hey, little girl," she said before she seized her into a tight hug.

Bride hugged her close, then stepped back to introduce them. "Deirdre, this Vane and his brother Fury."

Vane tensed as he fell under the scrutiny of Bride's older sister. She didn't like him. The animal in him sensed it immediately.

Even so, she reached her hand out. "Hi," she said with a fake smile.