Night Play(117)

All too soon, the carriage returned to Decatur. Vane got out first, then helped Bride down. He tipped the driver, then took her hand and led her toward the St. Louis Cathedral. "Would you like to go dancing?"

Bride bit her lip at his offer. She hadn't gone dancing in years. "I would love to."

"Do you have a favorite club?"

She shook her head.

"Hmmm, I can't take you to Sanctuary, I'm still kind of banished from it for attacking one of my pack mates. Ash and Simi like to go dancing at someplace called the Dungeon, but knowing their taste in music and clubs, I doubt either one of us would be comfortable there. Nick Gautier hangs at Temptations Then again, knowing Nick, I have a feeling it's probably not a good place for you, either."

"No," she said with a laugh at the mention of one of New Orleans's more renowned gentlemen's clubs. "We could try the Tricou House on Bourbon. Tabitha goes there a lot after work. Of course, she's there looking for vampires to stake, but she says they have great music and food."

"Okay, sounds like a destination."

As they walked down Phre Antoine Alley, Vane began to slow his pace.

Bride frowned as he pulled away from her and put her behind him.

"What's the" Her voice trailed off as she saw what appeared to be four blond men with an attractive brunette. At first she thought one of the men was making out with the woman in one of the alcoves, until the other three men saw Vane and cursed.

"Back off, Were-Hunter," one of the men snarled. His sinister gaze went to Bride. "You have too much to lose by fighting us."

"Let her go," Vane said in a deadly voice.

They didn't.

"Stay here," Vane ordered her before he threw his hand out and sent two of the vampires flying.

Before he could move, something bright flashed in the alleyway. Bride held her hand up to shield her eyes as Vane made an inhuman cry.

"Grab his mate," someone said.

She was still bunded by the flash. Someone grabbed her roughly. Knowing Vane would never handle her that way, she gave a vicious kick that contacted with flesh.

The vampire crumpled as he cupped himself.

Another one came at her. Just as she was sure he had her, he disintegrated.

The other two ran toward a shadow and then they too were gone.

Bride braced herself to fight the approaching shadow until she realized it was Valerius.

"Are you all right?" he asked her.

She nodded as her sight cleared enough so that she could look for Vane. He was a few feet from the woman, who appeared to be unconscious.

Bride froze as she saw him. He was flashing back and forth from a naked human to wolf and back again.

Horrified, she couldn't move.

Valerius ran to him, pulling out his cell phone. "Acheron, I have a Code Red with Vane at Pere Antoine Alley. He was hit by something elec"

Acheron appeared instantly beside her. "You okay, Bride?" he asked.

She nodded.

Ash flashed from her side to Vane's. He took Vane's head into his hands, and with another bright flash, Vane turned human. Arching his back, Vane cried out as if some horrendous pain were ripping through him.

"Easy," Ash said while Valerius checked on the woman.