Night Play(110)

"It's more like a birthmark." He let out a deep breath and it reappeared on his face.

Bride traced the scrolling pattern that was oddly beautiful.

"Sentinels are Arcadian guardians," he explained. "Once an Arcadian is finished with puberty, the Fates choose who they think is strong enough to guard the world from the Slayers or animals who are out to prey on Arcadians and humankind."

She winced as she understood what he was telling her. "So you were living with wolves when you became human and then you became their worst enemy."


Her heart ached for him. "You must have been terrified. Why didn't you leave?"

"I probably should have, but I was young and frightened. I knew nothing about the Arcadians and even less about humans. Remember, I was a wolf as a child. Our young are never allowed near real humans. I had no idea how to conduct myself or interact with your world. That was why I made a bargain with Acheron to take me into the past to meet my mother. I thought if I told her I was no longer an animal, she would help me adjust."

"But she didn't."

"No. She called me a liar and drove me away."

She could kill Bryani for that. What kind of mother would be so cruel? But then, cruelty existed everywhere in the world even though it shouldn't.

"Meanwhile Fury was going through the same thing in reverse."


She didn't know which of them had it worse. It was probably Fury. Unlike Vane, he hadn't had a brother and sister to accept him. "So you went back to your pack after you met Bryani?"

He nodded. "It was all I knew and I couldn't ask Fang and Anya to leave because of me. I figured if my father killed me, at least they would still have a home and be protected."

"And no one ever knew the truth about your base form changing?"

"Just Fang and Anya, and apparently Fury. I should have known when he came to us. But he always kept to himself. Stefan and the others tried to turn him into an omega, but he wouldn't have it. What he lacks in magic, he makes up for in brute strength and willingness to kill anyone who crosses him."

Bride paused, her hand in his hair as she tried to understand his world.


Vane kissed her stomach. "In every pack, there's a scapegoat that the other wolves pick on. It's always a male and he is called the omega wolf."

"That's awful."

He lifted himself up to stare down at her. "It's nature and we're animals. You said you wanted to know me and so I'm answering all your questions about my world, gruesome though things can be."

Bride tried to imagine the Vane she knew being cold and merciless. It was hard when he looked at her with such love and desire in his eyes. "Did you ever pick on the omega?"

He shook his head. "I usually came between the omega and the others. It's why the pack hates me. Fang always thought I was an idiot to bother."

Her heart soared at that. He was a good man, even when he was a wolf. She shouldn't have doubted him. "I don't think you're an idiot. I think you're wonderful."

He kissed her for that.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, Vane," Otto said from the other side. "I meant to tell you two that dinner's in an hour, so if you guys wish to eat with Valerius, be in the drawing room promptly or he'll have a major meltdown."

"Does he want us to dress for dinner?" Vane asked loudly.

"Of course he does, but I'll be wearing Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt."

Vane chuckled. "He's going to kill you, Otto."