Night Embrace(77)

She expected him to keep riding past her, toward his home.

He didn't.

Instead, Speirr reined his horse in sharply before her, the fierce beast rearing and pawing at the air.

He jumped from his saddle and swept her up into his arms.

Her heart pounded with joy, but she was scared of this. Scared of what his disheveled appearance here meant.

"Fiu?" she asked hesitantly, using the proper term for prince, knowing that with so many witnesses, she could never call him by his given name. "What is it you would have of me?"

His amber eyes were shiny and bright and filled with his heart as he stared at her. "I would have you, my love," he breathed. "Every day for the rest of my life. I've come to marry you, Nyn. If you'll have me."

Tears filled her eyes. "Your uncle?"

"He wishes us well and will meet you when he returns."

Her hands shook as she held him tight.

"You are mine, precious Nyn," he whispered. "I want no other in my life."

"Even though I smell like a fish?"

He laughed at that. "And I smell like a sweaty horse. We're a perfect pair, you and I."

Only he would say such a thing.

Tears rolled down her face as she held him close and wept from happiness.

Her Speirr had come back to her and she would never let him go. They were meant to be together.


Sunshine woke up with a feeling of warm serenity deep in her heart. She felt the weight of Talon behind her and smiled sleepily.

She didn't really remember her dream other than the fact that it had been about Talon.

And it had comforted her.

She checked her wristwatch and saw it was just after noon. She should be at work by now, hawking her artwork in the square.

Yet she had no desire to get out of this futon.

Rolling over, she snuggled into Talon's body.

She laid her head on his shoulder and traced the tattoo on his chest. He was so warm and inviting.

"It's good to have you home, love." He whispered those words to her in a language she'd only heard once before when they had been making love last night, and yet she understood him.

She lifted herself up and realized he was still sound asleep. "Talon?"

He didn't budge.

"Speirr?" she asked, wondering why that name came to her mind, but somehow it seemed only right that she should call him that.

His eyes fluttered open. He frowned at her. "Do you need something?"

Sunshine shook her head.