Kiss of the Night(94)

No, wait.

It was left-behind clothing. Something that reminded him of Daimon remains.

Wulf pulled his retractable sword from his boot at the same time a slight shadow moved toward him. He prepared to attack.

"It's okay," a feminine voice whispered. "I'm a friend."

Wulf was far from placated.

He heard Cassandra gasp in alarm. Glancing toward her, he saw she was hesitating in the doorway as if unsure of what to do.

"Phoebe?" she breathed. "It is really you?"

Phoebe was the name of one of her sisters who had died with her mother.

The shadow stepped into the light so that they could see her face, which was strikingly similar to Cassandra's. The only difference was their hair. Phoebe's was golden blond and straight and Cassandra had tight strawberry blond curls. Phoebe wore a black pantsuit and didn't appear to have any weapons on her. "It's me, Cassie. I'm here to help you."

Cassandra stepped back and collided with Chris, who eyed the newcomer suspiciously. Even Kat was tense.

Cassandra gave her sister a disbelieving once-over. "You're supposed to be dead."

"I am dead," Phoebe whispered.

"You're a Daimon," Wulf said accusingly.

Phoebe nodded.

"Oh, Phoebe," Cassandra said, her voice thick with disappointment. "How could you?"

"Don't judge me, little sister. I had my reasons. Now we have to get you to safety."

"Like I'm going to trust you," Cassandra said, stiffening. "I remember Uncle Demos."

"I'm not Uncle Demos and I have no intention of turning you into me." Phoebe took a step toward her, but Wulf prevented her from getting any closer to Cassandra until he knew the truth of her intentions.

Phoebe gave him an irritated glare, then looked back at her sister. "Please, Cassie, you have to believe me. I would never, ever harm you. I swear it on Mother's soul."

Another Daimon came through the door. A male. He was tall and blond and Wulf remembered him well from the club. The Daimon had kicked the crap out of him.

This had been the Daimon who referred to Stryker as his father.

Kat gasped.

"Hurry, Phe," the Daimon said to Cassandra's sister. "I can't keep this covered much longer." He paused long enough to meet Wulf's gaze without flinching. The anger and hatred of the two men was tangible enough to make Cassandra shiver. She half-expected one of them to attack the other at any second.

"Why are you helping us?" Wulf demanded.

The Daimon curled his lip in repugnance. "Like I give a rat's ass about you, Dark-Hunter. I'm only here to help my wife protect her baby sister. Which I still think is a stupid idea." He looked at Phoebe who looked back at him irritably.

"You'll feel better tomorrow about this," Phoebe said.

The Daimon snorted. "It's a good thing I love you."

Kat gaped. "Urian has a heart? Who knew?"

Urian glared at her. "Shut up, Abadonna."

Cassandra saw the love on Phoebe's face as Urian neared her. "Urian is the one who saved me when Mom died," Phoebe explained. "He pulled me from the car after the bomb exploded and hid me. He tried to save Mom and Nia too, but couldn't get to them in time."