Kiss of the Night(88)

Chris was aghast. "Oh, oh, oh, I don't want to hear it from you, hornhead." That was a familiar insult Chris used to nettle Wulf. Cassandra hadn't understood it until Chris explained that it stemmed from the mistaken belief that Vikings wore horned helmets in the Middle Ages.

"That's it," Chris continued, "I'm switching schools to Stanford. I'm tired of all this snow anyway. I might not get laid there either, but at least the women in class won't be dressed in parkas."

Kat entered the room and rolled her eyes. "Is it just me or do these two argue like two little kids every time they get together?"

"They argue like kids," Cassandra said. "I think they're trying to make needling other people an Olympic sport."

Chris opened his mouth at the same time the door buzzed. "Pizza," he said, getting up.

A strange tremor went through Cassandra. Rubbing the back of her neck, she looked around.

"You okay?" Kat asked.

"I think so." She just felt... odd...

She leaned her head back against the sofa to see Chris with the pizza in his hand and the delivery guy outside. Chris paid him.

"Hey," the guy said as Chris pulled back. "Do you mind if I come in for a sec and use the phone? I need to call the store about the next delivery."

Chris cocked his head. "How about I bring you a cell phone for the porch?"

"C'mon, man, it's cold out here. Can't I come in to make a call?"

Wulf was on his feet, quickly heading for the door, as Chris pulled back even more.

"Sorry, dude," Chris said more sternly. "No one unknown comes into this house, capische?"

"Chris," Wulf snapped, his voice low and steely. "Get back."

For once Chris didn't argue.

Wulf grabbed a sword from the wall at the same time the Daimon on the porch pulled two huge daggers out from the insulated pizza bag.

The Daimon tossed one dagger at Chris, then turned to engage Wulf. Chris staggered back, his face pale as he fell to the floor.

Cassandra was on her feet headed for Chris when Kat caught her. "Think of the baby. Stay put."

She nodded as Kat jumped the couch to go help Chris.

Cassandra grabbed another sword off the wall, ready for battle, just in case.

Luckily, Chris was back on his feet unharmed by the time Kat reached him. The pizza, on the other hand, was DOA. Thank God the box had deflected the dagger.

Wulf and the Daimon continued to fight on the porch.

"Holy shit," Chris breathed, running toward Cassandra with Kat behind him. "There are a shitload more of them headed for the house."

"What?" Cassandra asked, her knees going weak with the thought of it.

Wulf killed the one on the porch and slammed the door shut.

"Dammit to hell, Chris, are you all right?"

Chris nodded.

Wulf crossed the room and inspected him anyway, then pulled him into his arms and held him fiercely.

"Hey, get off me, you homo." Chris bristled. "You're grossing me out. If you want to hug something, hug Cassandra."