Kiss of the Night(85)

"Thanks," Wulf said less than sincerely.

"And to answer your question, I don't know."

"Know what?"

"If halflings live past twenty-seven. But then anything is possible. I say in a few months we should pop us some Orville Redenbacher's, then sit back and enjoy the show."

It enraged him that the Apollite would make light of something so tragic. "Shut up, Spawn. I don't find you funny at all."

"More's the pity then. I happen to think I'm quite the comedian."

Wulf wanted nothing more than to tear the Apollite Dark-Hunter apart.

"Then it's a good thing I live in Alaska where you can't reach me, huh?"

"How can you do that?"

"I'm a telepath. I know your thoughts even before you do."

"Then why are you being such an asshole?"

"Because I'm a telepath, not an empath. I couldn't care less how you feel, only what you think. But since I also had a message from Ash telling me to help you two, I suppose I will."

"Mighty big of you," Wulf said sarcastically.

"Yes, it is, especially given how much I detest most of you. But since Cassandra is one of my people, I'll try and play nice. If I were you, I'd go find her an Apollite midwife to help birth your son."

Wulf's heart clenched at his words. "It's a boy?"

"Not quite yet, but he will be when he forms a little more."

Wulf smiled at the thought, though to be honest, a small part of him wished for a daughter. One who could remind him of her mother once Cassandra was gone.

Squelching that thought before it led him somewhere he didn't need to go, he listened to Spawn's list of things Cassandra would require.

"My people are a little different from humans. There are special dietary concerns and environmental changes."

"I know Cassandra needs a transfusion," Wulf said, thinking of how pale she'd looked for the last two days. "She told me earlier she was feeling weak."

"Trust me, she needs more than that."

"Such as?"

Spawn ignored the question. "I'll make a few calls and see if I can find someone who is willing to help you two. If we're lucky, there might even be a colony to take you in. I can't make any promises. Since I'm now batting for the other team, my people have a bad tendency to hate my guts and want to kill me whenever I try to contact them."

"I appreciate it, Spawn."

"Yeah, and I appreciate your lying to me for the sake of politeness when we both know better. The only reason you're tolerating me right now is Cassandra. Good night, Wulf."

The phone went dead.

"I take it that didn't go well."

He looked over his shoulder to see Cassandra standing in the doorway of his room. His thoughts had been focused on Spawn's caustic personality, and he hadn't heard her come in. "About like walking into a bear cave coated in honey."

She smiled at that as she drew near him. "Interesting image."

He thought over what Spawn had said about her needs. She'd been pregnant for almost a month now. Was she okay? "How are you feeling?"