Kiss of the Night(29)

"Hey, Cassandra!"

She looked up from her musings to see one of the guys from school waving at her as she drew near Starbucks. He was a couple of inches shorter than her and was cute in a very Boy Scout kind of way. His short black hair was curly and he had friendly blue eyes.

Something about him reminded her of Opie Taylor from The Andy Griffith Show and she half-expected him to call her "ma'am."

"Chris Eriksson," Kat whispered under her breath as he came over.

"Thanks," Cassandra said in an equally low tone, grateful Kat's name recall was much better than her own. She could always remember faces, but names often eluded her.

He stopped before them.

"Hi, Chris," she said, smiling at him. He was really nice and always tried to help anyone who needed it. "What brings you here?"

He looked instantly uncomfortable. "I... uh... I was picking up something for someone."

Kat exchanged an interested look with her. "Sounds kind of dubious. I hope it's not illegal."

He blushed profusely. "No, not illegal. Just kind of personal."

For some reason, Cassandra liked the sound of it being illegal better. She waited a minute or two while he looked rather awkward.

Chris was an undergraduate student in her Old English class. They hadn't really spoken to each other much except to compare notes whenever she'd had trouble translating something. Chris was the professor's pet and maintained a perfect score on all the tests.

Everyone in the class wanted to hang him for blowing the curve.

"Did you do the assignment for class this afternoon?" he asked finally.

She nodded.

"It was great, wasn't it? Really exciting stuff." By his face, she could tell he truly meant that.

"Like having my teeth drilled without Novocain," she said, intending it to be funny and playful.

He didn't take it that way.

His features fell. "I'm sorry. I'm being a geek again." He pulled nervously at his ear and dropped his gaze to the ground. "I better go. I have some other things I need to do."

As he started away from her, she called out to him, "Hey, Chris?"

He stopped and looked back at her.

"Overprotected Child Syndrome?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're an overprotected child too, aren't you?"

He scratched the back of his neck. "How'd you know?"

"Trust me, you have the classic symptoms. I used to have them too, but after years of intensive therapy, I learned to hide them and can almost function normally now."

He laughed at that. "Got the name of that therapist handy?"

She smiled. "Sure." Cassandra inclined her head toward the coffee shop. "You got time to join us for a cup of coffee?"

He looked as if she had just handed him the keys to Fort Knox. "Yeah, thanks."

She and Kat led the way into Starbucks with Chris right behind them like a happy puppy whose owner had just come home.