
Her features softened. She glanced past him to see Styxx at the bottom of the stairs. For him, she smiled warmly. “My beautiful boys. You may rest assured that it will take much more than Sumerian gutter rats to threaten me. However, there is a matter of concern.”

She returned her attention to Savitar. “It would seem Apollo unleashed a nasty disease among the Apollites here. We’ve already lost a number of them to it. Many more are sick. The only ones who appear immune are Medea and Stryker, no doubt because they’re his children. Even Zephyra is ill. I’ve tried everything I know to offer a cure, but I’m not a goddess of healing.”

“Is it a curse or a plague?”

“The Greek bastard called it a plague. An illness, I presume. Can you help them? Please.”

Those were words he could never ignore when she uttered them. For her, there was nothing he wouldn’t do. “Absolutely. I’ll do everything I can.”

She swept her gaze over his clothing and sighed in total irritation. Shaking her head, she grasped the edge of his wetsuit where he’d unzipped it and pulled it closed. “Will you ever learn to dress as a human?”

He snorted at her condescending tone. “Will you ever cease to nag me for my wardrobe?”

“No… and you reek of sea and sunshine. It’s a revolting combination.” She shivered and curled her lip. “Smacks of happiness and good times. Disgusting things, that.” She gave him a light, dainty push.

By that alone, he knew he didn’t irritate as much as she claimed. If he did, she’d have thrown him down the stairs or blasted him through her walls.

She jerked her chin toward the Sumerian gods. “Get on with you, now. See to curing my Daimons. They need you.”

As they started to leave, she called Styxx to her side.

Styxx was bashful as he climbed the stairs and stopped in front of her. “You’re not thinking of throwing me down them, are you?”

Smiling as if she savored that thought, or maybe his playful cheekiness, she ruffled his hair. “You dress as poorly as Savitar. I swear, you and your brother. You ever seek to vex me.” She took a moment to straighten his clothes. “I expect a visit soon from your Bethany and the babies. I rely on you to care for your brother and Tory and their sons in my absence.”

“You know I do.”

She nodded warmly. “I do. It’s why you live.” Kissing his cheek, she gave him a hug. But the way she held on to him, it was obvious that it wasn’t Styxx she imagined holding.

It was Acheron.

Apollymi cupped his head in her hand before she released him. Her gaze went to Savitar and turned to absolute granite. “Keep them all safe, Chthonian. I will not forgive you for the death of another child I love.”

“I will never fail you again.”

This time, she did blast him through the wall before she turned and vanished.

Seraphina held the line at the kitchen door. Their instructions were to keep Nala and her warriors in the club and to not allow the fighting to spill into the street where the humans might see them, or into Peltier House where the children, human or animal, could be harmed.

Nala kicked her back, into the wall. “You dare to call yourself an Arcadian and side with the Katagaria? I knew the day you brought that animal home with you that you’d turn on us one day, Katagari whore!”

“Better a Katagari whore than a demon’s bitch. You must have swallowed his nectar whole for him to let you live.”

Shrieking in outrage, Nala swung at her head.

Seraphina used her sword to deflect the stroke and kneed her hard.

Nala stumbled backward with a groan of pain. Sera gave her no mercy. She advanced on her, raining blows as fast and controlled as she could. This wasn’t just about her. It was about protecting her family and what she loved most.

“Apollo will return us to stone if we don’t follow his orders. Is that what you want?”

Sera struck out at her. “I won’t live my life afraid. That is not part of our Amazonian code and it’s definitely not drakonian.” Furious, she swept Nala’s feet out from beneath her and disarmed her. “And it damn sure isn’t becoming of a basilinna! Hem me never,” she said, repeating their code of honor. She angled her sword at Nala’s throat. “Now cede your crown or lose your head.”

Suddenly, the fighting slowed and stopped as those around them became aware of the fact that Nala was no longer in the battle. That she was on her backside, crawling away from Seraphina’s blade.

Nala stopped moving as soon as she realized everyone was staring at her. Only then did she push herself to her feet and stand with her former haughty glower.

Sera cut off her retreat. “Cede the tribe, or I’ll call for a vote.” Which, after this pathetically weak display, Nala would lose.