
As did Acheron. “They’re dividing and attacking our families to thin our defenses and hit our morale.”

“It’s working,” Fury said in a panicked tone.

Savitar motioned for Zakar, Sin, and Styxx. “We’ll see to Apollymi in Kalosis and make sure she’s secure.”

Thorn jerked his chin at the Peltiers and the Kattalakis brothers. “We’ll take Sanctuary. Sera, you better join us. Nala’s with them. I can feel it.”

Cadegan and Blaise exchanged a determined look. “We’ll stay here to guard your young. No fears there for you.”

Acheron looked to the drakomai. “We’ll return to Olympus, and finish it. Once and for all.”

Illarion and Max nodded.

Seraphina hesitated. Strange, she’d never minded riding into battle alone.

Now she did. The last thing she wanted was to be without Max by her side. But this they had to do for each other and for their people.

“Remember, Maxis,” Sera reminded him. “There is no I in team.”

He winked at her. “True, but there is in ‘win,’ ‘fight,’ and ‘die.’”

She growled at him, tempted to beat him into submission. “And you’d best not do the latter.”

“Or you. Don’t make me go to Hades and beat that bastard down to get you back.” Kissing her, he took a moment to savor her scent and the sensation of her body pressing against his. “I love you, Seramia. Don’t break my heart.”

She sank her hand deep in his long hair and clenched her fist. “For you alone, I breathe.”

Max ground his teeth at those words. For her people, they were the deepest avowal of love, and it made it almost impossible to leave her.

But he had no choice. With one last kiss, he glanced past her to their children. “Don’t forget your sword, my lady dragon.”

She winked at him. “Never.”

Inclining his head, he turned and joined Acheron and his brothers. It’d been centuries since he’d gone to real war with Falcyn and Illarion. Yet it seemed like no time at all as they changed forms and fell into formation.

As eldest, Falcyn took lead. The Katagaria Drakos came to fight with them on Olympus while the Arcadians went with Sera and the others to protect Sanctuary.

By the time they arrived, it was much different than earlier. Apollo and Kessar had virtually torched every building, and most of the gods had withdrawn from the conflict. Only a brave handful remained to try and salvage what they could. Demon and his twin, Phobos. Most of the Dream-Hunters, including Arik and Delphine, as well as Lydia, Solin, and Xypher, who must have been summoned by the others when the fighting started.

Only Apollo’s temple remained standing perfectly intact. But that wasn’t their target or destination.

Ares’s temple was what drew their attention. The iron structure had the front doors ripped open. And the perches that were usually manned by Insidia and Nefas stood empty. Bodies of demons smoldered on the steps.

It was easy to find where the Malachai was still embroiled in a bitter fight against the demons and Apollo.

Max smiled at the sight. Nick had always been stubborn in a brawl. That boy never knew when to give up or surrender. It was one of the things he liked best about the kid, and it was what had kept Nick from turning evil.

So far.

Even though Nick had been born cursed and destined to be one of the creatures who ultimately destroyed the earth, he battled an inner war every day to keep himself from crossing over and becoming what his father had been.

Cherise Gautier would be proud of her son. Especially to see him getting his Cajun ass kicked in defense of a pantheon that didn’t care about him. But the ones Nick cared about were bound to Olympus, and to save them, he fought on against overwhelming odds.

Yeah, he was still a good kid.

As they circled, Max caught sight of Illarion and saw the grief in his brother’s eyes. Unlike him and Falcyn, Illarion had been born and trained to fight as a team. Every time his brother went into war without his Edilyn, he felt her loss with every part of his being.

And the fact that Illarion would ride for Sera’s defense meant everything to Max. It was his brother’s unselfishness that he treasured most.