Devil May Cry(62)

"Woman," he said with an expression that let her know he really resented using that word, "that she deserves?"

"Would you punish the mother of your daughter?" No sooner were those words out of her mouth than she realized she'd hit a hard chord in his heart. She could feel his pain and it stung her deep.

Honestly, he looked as if she'd struck him.

"Sin..." She took a step toward him, but he quickly stepped back.

"We need to find Zakar," he said from between clenched teeth.

"Sin, don't change the subject. I want to know what's wrong. Why did my comment hurt you? "

"Let's just say you gave me clarity with one comment and leave it at that."

But she didn't want to leave it at that. She wanted to understand him. "I know your wife cheated on you. I saw it."

"And now you know why I never killed her over it. She was the mother of my children. Any other sore spots you wish to salt? I was once humiliated when I first tried to use my powers of flight as a kid. Instead of soaring over the mountain, I fell down and busted my chin. Why don't we call me incompetent all the way around? I assure you it was much less embarrassing than being a fertility god who couldn't satisfy his own wife."

So that was the source of it...

His shame made her ache for him. She cupped his face in her hands and stared at him so that he could see her sincerity. "And having been in your bed, I can honestly say that there had to have been something profoundly wrong with a woman who wasn't satisfied by you. Maybe it was a birth defect."

He looked at her with hooded eyes. Even so, she could feel the comfort her words had given him. He reached up and covered her hands with his. "I can't believe you're related to... what was the term Simi used? 'Bitch-goddess'?"

She rolled her eyes at him. "I know. I'm the watered-down version and you're lucky for that."

He took her right hand and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "Thank you, Kat."

"Hey, I never say anything I don't mean. It's a curse I inherited from my father."

Sin grinned at her. "I don't think it's a curse so much as refreshing."

Her heart pounded at the light in his dark golden eyes. She had a bad feeling where he was concerned. There was something about him that she found so comforting and she didn't even know why. Something about him that just called out to her. She wanted to ease the pain in his gaze, and at the same time he gave her so much by doing nothing more than looking at her like he was doing right now.

It made her uncomfortable. She brushed her thumb over his fingers before she took a step back. Looking down, she picked up the small sfora. "I don't know if this will work, but are you ready to try?"

"More than ready."

Kat closed her eyes and summoned Simi and Xirena to her side. Sin stiffened as they appeared in the room looking a bit peeved.

Kat smiled at him and his reservations. "We're having to go into who knows what. While I know you can kick serious demon ass and I can kick most demon ass, I still like the idea of having a little cavalry standing at our backs. Especially since they're probably hungry."

He shook his head but didn't say anything.

"Where are we going, akra-Kat?" Simi asked.

"Food?" Xirena asked hopefully. "Watching all that Diamonique made me hungry."

Kat wrinkled her nose at Xirena. "Knowing my luck, there will be many gallu for your dining pleasure tonight "

Xirena and Simi rubbed their hands together in delight.

Kat laughed before she covered the sfora with her hand. "Okay, folks. Fasten your seat belts. This could very well be a bumpy ride." She concentrated and waited with bated breath.

Nothing happened.

"You're not doing it right," Simi said petulantly. "Akra-Kat has to take it off, put it in her palm, and think of who you're trying to find."

"Oh." She glanced to Sin. "Your brother looks like you?"