Devil May Cry(140)

He wasn't sure, but it was worth a shot. "I think it will. All we can do is try."

Kat pulled her necklace off and handed it to Sin. "What do we need to do?"

After handing Zakar the sfora, Sin stationed her to the middle of the tomb while he moved to the far right and Zakar to the far left.

As soon as they were in position, Sin began chanting in Sumerian. "I am the one, the guide of the demons of this earth.

"We summon the forces that created us and gave us birth.

"To all that is here now and before.

"We protect and guard with our core.

"To the lives of others we are giving.

"Forevermore we will protect those who are living." Sin spoke the words twice before Zakar joined him.

Kat held her breath, trying to focus on and learn the Sumerian words as she watched the Dimme's hand slide further from its hole. The pounding of Kessar and his army echoed even louder as she joined their singing.

Any minute now, one, if not both, groups of demons was about to break into the room with them.

The sfora turned bright red.

"Zakar!" Kessar's voice rang out in the room. "Free the Dimme!"

Zarak faltered in his chanting.

"Stay with me, Brother," Sin said, his voice eerily calm.

Still Kessar shouted at Zakar to help them.

Zakar lowered the hand holding the sfora. His voice grew weaker as the Dimme laughed.

Kat looked to Sin.

"Don't move," he warned her. "We have to stay where we are for it to work."

Zakar was breathing more heavily now as Kessar continued to order him to free the Dimme.

"I won't let you control me anymore," he said from between clenched teeth. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he struggled for his freedom. "I am not yours. I won't betray my brother. Not again."

C'mon, Zakar, she whispered silently. Don't fail us.

Most of all, she prayed he didn't fail himself.

But as she watched, she saw the demon swelling up to take possession of him and it terrified her.

Quicker than she could blink, Ash moved to stand behind Zakar and whisper something in his ear.

All of a sudden, Zakar's eyes turned completely white. He raised his hand with the sfora and began chanting again with renewed fervor. Kat was desperate to know what was going on, but didn't dare break her own chant to ask.

A loud wind whipped through the room. It was so strong the Dolophoni were sliding into each other. Xirena tucked her wings in. Kat's hair whipped around her face.

It felt as if she were rooted to the floor and while it could pull at her hair and clothes, it couldn't budge her. The Dimme were pounding for freedom, their screams mingling with the chanting.

More light suffused the room as the gallu broke through the door.

"Attack!" Deimos shouted, running to engage them. Total chaos broke out as the gallu assaulted their group while Kat, Zakar, and Sin continued to drive the Dimme back.