Devil May Cry(118)

At least with the gallu, they didn't pretend. They merely were what they were. Demons. You knew where you stood. They didn't pretend to like you and then try to stab you in the back. They came at your throat from the beginning.

She could almost respect them for that. Maybe they were a higher life-form after all. Betrayal wasn't in their nature.

With that thought, another terrifying one went through her mind. Sin knew how to kill her. She'd given him a secret that no one, not even her mother, knew.

Was his kindness toward her only a facade meant to blind her until he betrayed her? Surely not...

I took his powers. He'd been after her mother for centuries to kill her for that. Now he knew Artemis was innocent and Kat was the one who'd done it.

Maybe I'm being stupid and paranoid. It was more than possible.

"Stop it, Kat. Sin wouldn't hurt you." He wouldn't and she refused to let herself continue on with such nonsense. Right now Sin was hurting and confused. Just like her.

She wouldn't let unfounded fears destroy what they had built together.

And what do you have? He told you to get lost.

Ugh, how she hated that voice in her head. "I won't listen to you. I love Sin and I'm not giving up on him yet."

She only hoped he shared that sentiment about her. If not, he was going to kill her.

"You know, you could just kill Kat off."

"Kish!" Sin snapped, wanting to splinter his servant across the wall behind him.

"What? It's been a full week since she left and all you've done is sulk like a dying cow."

"Dying cows don't sulk."

"How do you know? Do you make it a habit to hang around dying cows?"

Sin glared at the man who was busy trying to clean up his penthouse. For over a week he hadn't left his couch except to kill demons and hunt for Kessar and his brother. He'd slept on it, eaten on it, and sulked on it. And all in a useless effort to push Kat out of his life.

But the truth was, he missed her. He missed the scent of her skin and hair. Missed the way her forehead crinkled whenever she thought he was nuts. He missed the sound of her voice, the touch of her hand.

Most of all, he missed the laughter they'd shared. Her razor-sharp sarcasm.

His stomach ached from the emptiness left by her absence. It was a pain so profound that it permeated everything about him. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He had no energy.

All he wanted was Kat back.

Damn her to hell for that.

Kish picked up the pizza box, which still held an untouched pizza, and added it to the garbage. "I'm just saying a dying cow could sulk."

"The least you could do is call him a dying bull," Damien said as he entered the room behind Kish. "Man his ass up a bit. At least that would be an improvement to the whiny little girl we've had to deal with these last seven days."

Sin shot his hand out and sent a jolt to each of them. They yelped before they went flying. "Anything else you girls want to complain about?"

"Ow," Kish whined. "I think he broke my body."

"What part?"

"My whole body. It all hurts."

Damien pushed himself up on one of the bar stools to glare at him. "Do you even own a mirror?"

Sin scowled at him. "What are you talking about?"