Devil May Cry(110)

Kat growled as she snatched up her clothes and dressed, only to remember that she could have done it without touching them. But at this point, she was so rattled, she didn't know what she was doing. "Why are you here?"

"I was cleaning up. Sin won't let housekeeping in. He doesn't trust them."

Kat snatched open the door. "He doesn't trust anyone."

"True. And I was keeping breakfast warm for you. Sin told me he'd have my balls if I didn't take care of you. Personally, I like my balls attached to my body, so I intend to take really good care of you in a purely platonic way."

He was an odd yet strangely amusing man. "Where is Sin?"

"Downstairs plotting gallu destruction with Damien. He said that you needed to rest and that I wasn't to disturb you. I didn't, did?"

"Not until a second ago."

He gave her a really pained expression. "You're going to get me killed, aren't you?"

She thought about it... hard. But in the end, she wasn't that mean. "No."

He let out a relieved breath as he backed up toward the bar. "I didn't know what you liked so I ordered some of everything. Cheese blintz, French toast, eggs nine different ways, bagels... you name it and it's here or I'll get it here ASAP. I figure whatever you don't eat we can feed to the demons."

Kat smiled in spite of herself. "I'm sure they'd appreciate it."

"You have no idea. The kitchen staff is going wild about the orders they're placing. We've had to import extra cooks from other casinos and restaurants for the two of them alone."

Laughing, Kat stepped around him to grab a piece of toast. "I'll just take some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast with juice."

"Great. Sit right there"-he indicated a bar stool at the counter-"and I'll take care of it." He pointed toward the toast in her hand. "Jelly, jam, or butter?"

"None of that, thank you. I like it plain."

He held up two thumbs. "Works for me."

Kat took another bite as she watched him prepare a plate for her and she wondered what had brought such a quirky person into Sin's service. "So have you been with Sin long?"

Kish shrugged. "A few thousand years, give or take a decade or two."

She choked at his unexpected response. She'd assumed he was human, but obviously she was wrong. "Get out. Really?"

"That's why he trusts me." He set the plate down in front of her, then added the silverware and a linen napkin.

"But you're human, aren't you?"

He nodded. " I'm human, except when I first wake up in the morning. Even I don't want to be around myself then."

Normally that would have amused her. However, she now had a mystery to solve. "But if you're human-"

"How am I still alive?" He grinned and winked at her. "I'm a mind reader, too."


He cleaned up some of the eggs he'd spilled while filling her plate before he answered. "Back in the day, I made a really bad bargain with a demon for my soul in exchange for immortality and wealth." He met her gaze and she saw and felt his admiration and gratitude. "Sin saved me."


He shrugged. "I never asked for the details. I was too afraid to find out what it had cost him. All I know is he bartered to free me and I've been with him ever since. There's nothing I wouldn't do for that man."

She could understand that and had to admire Kish for his loyalty. She'd been around enough centuries to know that most people, even when bailed out by someone, tended to turn on them for no apparent reason as soon as they had the chance. It said a lot for Kish's character that he was still here and still acknowledged the debt he owed Sin. "How did you meet?"

A wry light came into Kish's eyes as he covered up the leftover food. "Same as Damien-I was trying to kill him."