Dance with the Devil(107)

Zarek was so shocked by the words that it left him open to the first attack.

Thanatos caught him with a blast straight to his chest.

Zarek rolled with it, taking strength from the pain.

He was good at that.

As he braced himself to attack, a gunshot rang out twice. Thanatos staggered forward, then turned around with a snarl.

Zarek's eyes widened as he caught sight of two bullet holes in the back of the Daimon's skull. Bullet holes that healed instantly.

Jess cursed from the hallway. "What are you?"

"Jess," Zarek snapped. "Get out. I can handle this."

As Thanatos went for Jess, Zarek ran at his back and knocked him into the doorframe.

"Go!" he shouted at Jess. "I can't fight him with you here. I need all my powers."

Jess nodded and ran for the front door. Zarek heard him pause long enough to get the wolf out.

"Alone at last." He laughed as Thanatos shoved him back against the far wall. "Oh, the pleasure of the pain."

Thanatos raked him with a disgusted sneer. "You really do suffer from insanity, don't you?"

"Hardly. I have to say I enjoy every minute of it." Zarek let his powers surge through him until his hands burned from the heat of them. He channeled the ions in the air and charged them full, then directed them at Thanatos.

The blast knocked him halfway down the hall.

Gathering more power, Zarek knocked him back again, into the den. He kept hitting Thanatos until the man landed on the floor by the hearth.

If Zarek were smart, he'd take advantage and run.

But he wasn't that smart. Besides, Thanatos would just come after him and he was too old and too damned pissed to run.

Thanatos regained his feet.

Zarek blasted him again, knocking him over the sofa where he landed in a heap.

He shook his head at the Daimon, who was no longer moving. "Tell you what, why don't you look me up when you're ready to play with the big boys?"

Zarek walked out of the house and summoned his powers to lock the door behind him. He could hear Thanatos pounding on the door, trying to break out.

Without a backward glance, Zarek walked to the snow-machine that must belong to Thanatos. He opened the gas tank and made sure there was plenty of gas in it.

He snapped a hose from the engine, then used it to siphon the gas into his mouth.

Walking back to the cabin, he pulled his lighter out of his back pocket.

He lit the lighter, then spewed gas at the house and watched as the door caught fire.

After several more trips, he stood back and surveyed the flames that were quickly consuming Astrid's house.

It was a good thing she was rich.

Looked like she was going to need a new place to live after this.

Zarek pulled a cigarette out of his coat pocket and smiled. Underneath his breath, he sang the Talking Heads' classic song, " "Three hundred sixty-five degrees... burning down the house.'"