Bad Moon Rising(8)

Aimee narrowed her gaze on him. "You can't use your magick in here. There are too many humans to see it."

He smirked. "I don't take orders from animals. Now tell me where Constantine is or we're going to tear this bar down."

Aimee refused to be bullied by anyone. "We are protected by the laws of the Omegrion, which you're obligated to follow. All are welcome, even your putrid selves, and none can be removed by force."

He grabbed her arm. "Fetch Constantine, or I'll make boots out of your hide, bear."

Aimee twisted her arm out of his grip. "Don't touch me, or I'll mount your jewels to the wall over your head."

The jackals surrounded her. "We don't have time for this. He's here. We can smell it."

Aimee raked him with a sneer of her own. "You need to get your head out of your sphincter and stop smelling your own underwear 'cause the only jackals here, buddy, are you."

"Is there a problem?" For once she was grateful to hear Dev's deep growl.

Aimee looked past the leader's shoulder to see Dev with Colt, Remi, and Wren. Papa was making his way toward them too. "Yes. And I think it's time for our friends here to find an exit."

Dev reached for the leader who spun on him so fast, she barely saw him move. With one fluid move, he had Dev flat on his back on the floor. Dev reached up and froze as the jackal held a Taser at the ready.

It wasn't the pain of a possible hit that gave them pause. One jolt and they'd lose control of their human forms for hours. For that matter, any hit of electricity would have them flashing from human to animal and back again.

Something that was hard to explain to human clientele who tended to get a little wigged-out whenever they saw it.

Aimee looked around at the number of humans in the room. They needed to dispel this as peacefully as possible.

And quick.

The leader looked past her and gave a subtle nod.

All of a sudden, the man behind her grabbed her hard and held a knife to her throat.

The leader's gaze glittered like ice. "Now take us to Constantine or I'll have your head."

Aimee passed a scared look to Dev who knew what she did.

They couldn't give them what they didn't have.

This was about to get bloody and she was going to be the one they drew first blood on.

"Stay out of it, Fang," Vane said under his breath.

His anger snapping, Fang narrowed his eyes on the Sentinels surrounding Aimee. "It's a threatened female."

"She's not one of ours and we need the bears on our side. You break Omegrion sanctuary laws and they'll refuse to help us. Ever. They'll refuse to help Anya."

Fang heard those words and he was willing to abide by them. His sister was the most important thing. . . .

Until he saw the knife.

Vane cursed as he saw it too. Anya or not, it wasn't in their nature to let that go and since the bears seemed to be in over their furry little heads . . .

Vane's hazel gaze locked with Fang's. "I have the asshole in front, you take the one with the woman."

Fury lowered his head in agreement to their suicide run. "We've got your backs."

Vane inclined his head before they teleported to the fight.

* * *