Bad Moon Rising(79)

It's wrong, wolf. You shouldn't even think about her.

Where I am always thou art. Thy image lives within my heart.

That was exactly how he felt about her.

Closing the locket, he kissed it lightly and returned it to his neck. Yeah, it was girly enough to make him want to puke. Still it was Aimee's and it was obvious she treasured it.

And so would he until he was able to give it back to her in their realm.

Now he couldn't sleep at all. Flippin' figured. It was the first time in months that he'd actually felt safe enough to do more than combat nap as he waited to be attacked. If that wasn't bad enough, he also had the erection from hell. One that was painful and demanding.

Banging his head against the bed, he growled. Yeah, I am in hell. But at least he wasn't starving or having to fight the demons off. Plus he was stronger now.

Almost whole.

Soon he'd be back to himself and back in the world where he belonged and all of this would be behind him.

He hoped.

You're not serious about recruiting that wolf, are you?"

Thorn didn't bother to move as he heard Misery's voice coming out of the shadows behind him. He swilled his wine in the large goblet as he continued to stare into the fire before him-a fire that reminded him of a home he never wanted to claim. "Is there a real reason for this annoyance?"

She came to stand just beside his chair. Draping one arm over the back, she cocked her hip, and looked down lazily at him. "I want to know why you sent your goons after us."

"You broke the law."

She made a sound of disgust before she draped herself in his lap. It was all he could do not to shove her to the floor.

Tracing a fingernail over his cheek, she smiled flirtatiously. "You're not really going to go there, are you? Come to the dark side with me, love. You know you want to."

Yes, he did. The seductive lure was always there and his father continually sent demons like Misery out to help sway him.

But he refused.

He'd made a vow and by the tiny part of him that was decent, he would not be tempted. Using his powers, he flashed himself out of the chair, causing Misery to spill to the floor, so that he could stand by the fire. "Get thee behind me, Misery. I'm in no mood to deal with you."

She pushed herself to her feet. "Fine. But think about this . . . we gutted your last soldier on the ground in New Orleans. Just wait until you see what we have planned for your wolf."

Every day seemed like forever as Fang trained to fight demons in human form and cursed the Daimons who continued to live. At least Aimee was able to bring him up to speed on what was happening out in the real world, but he was tired of being trapped here. He was tired of demon stench.

Most of all, he was tired of being alone. Aimee was the sole contact he had for the world he'd left behind. That was the hardest part of it. Why wouldn't Vane talk to him? Was Fury that much better a brother to him that Vane didn't even remember him anymore?

It was a stupid thought. He knew that and yet it persisted. Probably because he felt betrayed and abandoned by his brother. How could Vane simply dismiss him as a dream and not listen?

How could he not help him when he needed him most?

"Hey, wolf . . . here's something I think you need to see."

Fang paused as Thorn came into the room where he'd been training. He took the staff from Fang's hand as images began to flicker on the walls around them.

Uncertain over what to expect, Fang watched as the images became clear and he saw Aimee Peltier in a club that was under construction. There were ladders and paint buckets everywhere, as well as saws and equipment. But the peculiar part was the fact she was surrounded by Charonte demons while her younger brother, Kyle, was standing with her.

A tall, dark-haired Charonte with mottled blue skin shook his head as sound came in. "There's not a one of us dumb enough to do that."

Aimee flashed him a sweet smile. "C'mon, Xedrix . . . surely one of you is homesick?"

He snorted. "Have you ever actually met the Destroyer?" His tone was acerbic and cold. "You know, there was a time, granted it was before recorded history, but there was a time when she was like a second mother to me. Then the humans had to slaughter her only son and since the day he was resurrected and she was sent back into her hole, she's been just a little cranky and I had to suffer with perpetual PMS from her for eleven thousand years. No offense, but there's not enough beer, meat, or beignets in the world to make me go back there."