Bad Moon Rising(57)

They'd be devoured.

Unable to stand it, she forgot about the plate and ran for Peltier House. Dev had gotten off duty about an hour ago. She flashed herself up to his door and knocked on it.

"Come in."

She opened it to find him sitting on his bed, watching TV while flipping through a motorcycle magazine. "The wolves who saved me are in serious trouble. I can't leave them alone in this fight and I might need backup."

Dev didn't hesitate. "I'll grab Etienne and Colt. You get Alain."

Grateful for his understanding, she left him to go to the next room to knock on Alain's door. Before she could even lift her hand, her cell phone rang. Aimee answered it to find the wolf Fury on the other end.

"Were you serious about offering protection to Vane and Fang?" His voice was deadly earnest.

"Yes, why?"

"Because their father has betrayed them and left them for dead. There was nothing I could do, but I'm hoping you guys are able to save them."

She listened as he filled her in on more details than her vision had provided. Best of all, he gave her their exact location. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I owe them, but I can't do anything more. Save them, Aimee, please."

"I'll do my best."

"Thanks and I'll try to keep the pack away. Also, whatever you do, don't tell anyone about this call, especially not Vane or Fang." He hung up before she could respond.

She frowned at his parting words. What a weird request.

Shaking her head, she put her phone away, knocked on Alain's door, and told him what was happening. Like Dev, he shot to his feet to join her.

Once they were gathered together, she took them to where she'd seen Vane and Fang in her vision and to the location Fury had given her. The Daimons were already in flight as they came in.

To her left, Vane held Fang, who was now in wolf form. She ran to them with her brothers right behind her.


He looked up with an angry snarl until he realized they weren't Daimons. His anger melted under a stern frown of confusion. "What are you doing here?"

She hesitated at telling him the truth. No one needed to know the extent of her powers or of her ability to hone in on other beings' whereabouts with an unerring accuracy. And most of all she didn't want to betray Fury.

"What happened?" she asked, trying to turn his attention from her to them.

Vane shook his head as if trying to wake up from a nightmare. "We were attacked. . . ."

"Look," Alain said, stepping forward. "I don't mean to be rude, but the Daimons are out in force tonight and while most of them are cowards, there's enough Spathi running around that we don't want to be caught out here undermanned. Let's get everyone back to Sanctuary and then talk."

Aimee couldn't agree more.

Vane eyed them suspiciously.

Dev put his hand on Vane's shoulder. "You saved Aimee and my father told you we would welcome you in anytime. We meant that. Now come on. Let's get you both cleaned up and tended to."

Aimee didn't move until they'd all vanished. She looked around the area as the events of the night played through her mind. Vane's and Fang's combined agony lingered here like a phantom wraith that haunted her.

Anya was dead and their pack had turned on them. She winced in pain as she felt for Fang. This wouldn't be easy on him.

Wanting to help, she flashed herself back to Sanctuary. Her brothers had taken Fang to Carson's examining room while they and Vane, who had dressed himself in a fresh pair of jeans and a T-shirt, stood in Carson's office, relaying the events to her brothers.

Carson was inside the other room alone with Fang.