Bad Moon Rising(43)

"Yes, yes he is. And speaking of excrement, have we heard anything more from the wolves and their threats?"

"You mean Eli's group?"

She nodded.

"Not a word. I think Dev put the fear of Zeus into them when he refused to back down."

"That I doubt. They're pretty stupid."

"Yeah, but even Eli has a smidgeon of self-preservation. He should know by now to leave us alone."

She hoped that was true, but doubted it too. Eli was such a narcissist that the idea of someone actually besting him just didn't seem to be in his scope of reality. "I wouldn't be so sure. They don't call it blind hatred without a reason. I think he's at the point with us that he will cross any boundary regardless of consequence."

He narrowed his gaze on her. "You have one of your precogs, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I can't put a finger on it exactly. I just know he's going to do something we're not expecting. I only wish I knew exactly what and when."

"Then I'll spread the word for everyone to keep their eyes peeled."


Vane sat off to the side of camp in human form while he listened to the idle conversations around him. Half the pack was in human form while the others were wolves.

Many of the men were restless. There was a disturbing scent in the air. One that denoted trouble, but no one could get a handle on it. Not even he was sure what was causing it.

But he was as edgy as the rest of them. One wrong word or action and he was just as likely to take a life as a Daimon. More so, in fact.

And maybe that was the source of his unease. Ever since he and Fang had helped Acheron and Talon, he'd had a sense of foreboding that he couldn't shake.

Fang walked up to him and offered him a cold beer. "You want to go patrolling and see if we can find out what's going on?"

Vane popped the lid and tilted his head so that he could see around Fang's body where Stefan and the others were gathering. He shook his head.

If he went out with Stefan in the mood he was in, one of them would end up dead.

"Whatever it is, it's coming this way. I think we should hang close to the women."

Fang laughed at that. "I love the way you think, adelphos. Hanging close to women is what I do best."

He smiled at Fang's words. "Yeah, but I haven't seen you doing that lately."

Fang glanced over to Petra who was sitting in wolf form with several other wolfswans. "I've been preoccupied."

"With what?"


Vane didn't press him. His brother, for all his never-ending stream of sarcasm and live-for-the-moment arrogance, could be extremely moody sometimes. Even secretive.

It was a space and freedom that Vane willingly gave him.


Vane choked on the beer as he heard his sister's frantic, scared voice in his head.

"What?" he sent back silently.

"The pups are coming. I need you."