Bad Moon Rising(176)

She rose up, showing him the breasts he lived to taste. "Yes, but you only have two more days. . . ."

As if he wasn't counting down to the exact nanosecond. . . . He had his watch set to buzz him before it was too late. But again, Vane had taught him that women required a certain degree of finesse. Otherwise, a guy ended up in the doghouse. In his case literally.

"I was hoping you'd be feeling better and willing." He flashed her an evil grin.

Aimee let out a playful sigh at his eager look. Her wolf could be impossible at times. But she wouldn't have him any other way, and the thought of not having him at all hurt her on a level she didn't even want to think about.

Fang would be hers forever.

She would make sure of it.

Sliding her body over his, she straddled his hips. He was gorgeous, lying in her bed, his tawny skin offset by her white sheets. He had a day's worth of whiskers on his face that made him look as feral as he was. And his longer hair had an adorable wave to it.

She took his hand into hers so that she could nibble the pad of his fingers. He hardened instantly.

Fang looked up at her, his breathing turning ragged. "Are you sure?"

She nipped at his knuckle as she released his hand. "Don't be silly. I've been waiting for years for this moment."

His eyes turned dark, sincere. "I've been waiting a lifetime for you."

Those words touched her. She held her marked hand up. Fang placed his palm to hers, their marks joined as he laced his fingers with her so that they could complete their mating ritual. She was so nervous, and she wasn't even sure why. It wasn't like they'd never had sex before and yet . . .

This would bind them forever. She would belong to him and he would be hers exclusively. It was a major responsibility to be a part of someone else's world.

But she would have it no other way.

Their gazes locked, Aimee lifted herself up and set herself down on top of him.

Fang bit his lip as her body closed around his. He wanted to thrust against her, but it wasn't part of the ritual. This was her time. She would set the pace and she would dictate what they did.

And when she started moving against him, the wolf inside wanted to howl in pleasure. With their marked hands locked, he ran his free hand down her back as she moved in short, torturous strokes.

She brushed her hand against the mark Thorn had placed on his shoulder. He would still have to fight demons for him from time to time, but Varyk had explained to him how his life was basically his own.

Then again, as he looked into Aimee's eyes, he realized his life would never again belong to him alone. Aimee was his life now.

She tightened her grip on his marked hand. "I accept you as you are, and I will always hold you close in my heart. I will walk beside you forever."

Fang smiled as she whispered the words that bound them together in a ceremony that went back to a time before recorded history. He repeated them back to her and then added one more statement. "I would gladly give my life for you, Aimee."

"You are my life, wolf, so you better take damn good care of yours."

He started to answer that with a quip, but the thirio came upon him so suddenly that he couldn't do anything except hiss as he felt his cock harden even more. Pain exploded in his mouth as his teeth elongated to sharp fangs and a raw bloodlust came over him that made a mockery of the one he'd known when Phrixis had lived inside him.

The thirio was the urge to bond their life forces together and to make them one for all eternity.

In life and in death. It was what her parents had shared. What Anya had with her mate and what his brothers had done with their mates.

Once put in place, it was unbreakable by any other than Savitar.

Fang ground his teeth to keep from biting her.

Aimee cupped his face in her hand as she stared down at him. "Let's finish this, Fang."

Searing joy tore through him, but he didn't want to take this step lightly. "Are you sure?"

She gave him an unamused smirk. "I have been through hell for you . . . twice. Do you really think I want to be in this life without you?"