Bad Moon Rising(135)

But they weren't what concerned her. Only Fang did.

Loud hip-hop music thundered through the club as lights flashed and danced across the people, demons, floor, and bar. The crowd mingled all around her in couples or in groups while the demons tried to blend in. A few did have their horns showing, but the humans seemed to accept those as fake. Some of them were even showing their real mottled-colored skin, but again, the humans complimented them on the makeup.


Aimee stopped a male Charonte with red horns and orange and red skin as he passed by her with an empty tray tucked under his arm. "Hey, where's Xedrix?"

He gave her a suspicious once-over.

"I'm Kyle Peltier's sister and I need to speak to him."

That seemed to reassure him. He pressed the mic on his headset. "Xed, there's a bear down here for you." He nodded, then looked back at her. "He's on his way."

"Thank you."

The demon wandered off toward the mirrored bar area.

She saw a door open from an upstairs room that must be the office. It had a mirrored window where Xedrix could no doubt look out and spy on his workers and patrons.

Dressed in jeans and a loose blue T-shirt, Xedrix made his way down the steps. Aimee had to give him credit. For a demon, he was damn good-looking. That lean body was ripped and his black hair framed near-perfect features.

But the dismal expression on his face was almost funny as he stopped by her side. "This can't be good for me."

"Nice seeing you too."

"Yeah. What do you need now?"

"Information about a demon."

His features hardened. "Don't piss us off. We don't like that."

She gave him a droll stare. "If someone's possessed by a demon, how do you get the demon out?"

"Call a priest." He started away from her.

Aimee caught his arm and pulled him to a stop. His entire stance oozed impatience. "I'm serious, Xedrix. And this isn't a human. It's Fang. Have you any idea how much damage a demon could do in the body of a Were-Hunter?"

"Oh, a lot." His tone was as dry as the Sahara. "Would definitely suck to be their victim."

She didn't appreciate his humor. "What can I do?"

"I'd leave town."


He lifted his hands in an exaggerated stance of hopeless innocence. "What do you want me to say? Rub his furry belly? I don't even know what kind of demon has him. In case you haven't noticed, there are hundreds of species of us. And you're talking to a demon who comes from one of the nonpossessing kind. We kill whatever gets in our way. Or on our nerves." He gave her a very pointed stare for emphasis on that. "Possession's for . . ." His voice trailed off as he looked past her.

Aimee turned to see a gorgeous blond woman who was eyeing him irritably with her arms akimbo.

"You were about to say?" the female prompted.

"Uh . . . possession's for really great demons who have . . . lots of powers."

It was actually entertaining to watch him squirm. Obviously the blond woman meant a lot to him and he didn't want to make her angry.

The blonde offered Aimee her hand. "I'm Kerryna and you would be?"

"Kyle's sister," Xedrix answered so quick Aimee realized that he and Kerryna must have a relationship close enough that he didn't want Kerryna to mistake why he was talking to her. "Aimee. And she was just leaving."