Bad Moon Rising(122)

For a moment, Aimee hesitated. Then she refused to believe it. Fang wasn't some man-whore like Dev. Besides, he'd been with her after everyone had gone to bed last night and she could attest to the fact that he was wound up tight and in need of a "hand" from her.

Stepping away from Tara, she used her powers to contact him. "Hey, sexy? You been bugging Tara?"

"Who's Tara?"

"The waitress behind me."

Fang turned around to look. He appeared as perplexed as she felt. "Bugging her for what?"

That's exactly what she thought. "Never mind, sweetie. It was stupid."

She'd never known Fang to look at another woman. He only had eyes for her and unlike Dev, Etienne, and Serre, he wasn't a player. She knew that.

So then what game was Tara playing? Maybe she's imagining it. . . .

That was the most likely scenario.

Putting it out of her mind, Aimee went back to work.

Fang got off work first and headed to his room. He was stiff and sore from all the hours he'd been in human form and needed desperately to be a wolf for a while. He lay on his bed in his true form and sighed.

But even so, he missed Aimee. He could hear her downstairs in the bar and feel her with his soul.

Closing his eyes, he waited for her to join him.

It was just after two when she appeared in his bed. The two of them had been sharing a bed for the last few weeks. She slept as a human while he kept his wolf form. They would "play" in his room since it was far enough away to keep any of her family from overhearing them. But they slept in her room just in case her family knocked on the door.

When they did, Fang would flash out before they entered. It was a dangerous game they played.

One that would mean his life if they were caught, but in his mind, it was more than worth it.

He sighed as she stroked the fur at his neck. Nothing in the world felt better than the way she touched him. Her fingers worked magic on his skin and fur.

Leaning down, she rubbed her face in his pelt and gave a tight squeeze. "I missed you."

Fang turned human and rolled over. Completely naked, he pulled her into his arms to hold her close. "I missed you too."

Aimee sighed in bliss as his lips touched hers. That tight, ripped body was all she needed in her life. And never was the urge to run away with him stronger than it was tonight.

She only wanted to be with him. Reaching down, she cupped him in her hand and smiled at the way he jerked and sighed.

Fang wanted to stay here like this forever as she trailed her hand down the length of his cock. Though they'd done nothing more than pet, he was fast losing patience with it.

He wanted so much more, but he wasn't willing to push her into anything, especially given the hatred his parents had borne each other. If they really were mates, then he wanted her to completely accept him without reservation or doubt.

Relaxing on the bed, his demon sense kicked in. There was a slight rustle out in the hallway.

Worried it was one of her brothers, he tilted his head, then cursed.

It was Wren.

And he was here to kill Nicolette.

"What was that?"

Fang debated telling her. The demon in him wanted to turn the tigard loose on Nicolette and let him kill the bear. It would solve a lot of their problems.

But in the end, Nicolette was her mother and she loved her. That alone made the nondemon parts of him win the fight. "It's Wren. I think he's after your mom."