Bad Moon Rising(109)

Was he really that human that he could hate without reason? Or was it the demon inside him that wanted Fury's head?

In the end, it was the knowledge that this was his family that won over everything else. For better or worse, they were blood kin. And to a wolf that was all that mattered.

Fang held his hand out to him. "Brothers."

Fury wrapped his hand around his. "Adelphos."

Fang pulled him forward so that he could hug him in a way he'd reserved for only Vane and Anya. "But this doesn't mean I like you."

Fury shoved him away. "Don't worry. I don't like you either, dip-shit. But I would kill to protect you."

Fang gave him a lopsided grin. "Me too." He pushed himself up, then held his hand out for Fury.

Fury knocked it away. "I'm not your bitch, wolf. I can get up on my own."

Fang spat some of the blood out of his mouth. Yeah, his jaw was going to be sore for at least a week and there wouldn't be any food tonight that required much chewing.

He narrowed his gaze on Fury. "We're way too much alike to ever get along."

"That's what Vane says." Fury picked his helmet up from where it'd landed on the sidewalk when they'd started fighting. He dumped debris out of it before he put it on his head.


Fury paused.

Fang held his hand out again and when Fury took it, he pulled him into a quick man hug. "The pack is yours."

Fury snorted. "I really don't see you subservient to me. Ever."

"I'm not, but I'm not part of the pack anymore. I'm declaring independence."

Fury flipped his face shield up to scowl at him. "That's suicide."

"No. I'm here." He indicated Sanctuary over his shoulder. "I need some time to get my head straight. If I do, I'll be back. But for now I think this is the best thing for me."

Fury gave him a doubting stare. "If you say so. I'll tell Vane." Lowering his shield, he slung one long leg over the bike and started it.

Fang stood back as Fury opened the throttle and squealed off. It was only then he realized Aimee was standing across the street with Dev, watching every move they'd made.

Suddenly sheepish, he tucked his hands into his pockets and joined them.

"Feeling better?" Dev asked sarcastically.

"Yeah. Thanks for not interfering."

The bear shrugged. "Hey, I get it. Wish someone would let me do that to a couple of my bros."

Aimee let out an exasperated breath as she stepped forward. "You look terrible." She reached up and turned his chin to the side so that she could study his right eye, which was throbbing and stinging. "Sheez. Carson needs to see this."

"I'm not a puss, Aimee. I've had a lot worse that healed on its own. This too shall pass."

She let go of his chin and growled at him. "No offense, but I hate Macho Fang. I really wish you'd put him in a closet, lock the door, and lose the key."

Dev laughed. "Sorry, wolf. We're the reason she has this whole hang-up on men."

"It's all right. As long as she doesn't slap me or bite me, we're good."

Dev sucked his breath in sharply. "Man, wolf sex must be harsh."