The Sheik's Reluctant Lover Page 0,4

last thing she wanted to do was go out to the stables in the dark with Rais. “That’s okay…”

“Nonsense,” Rais argued, stepping in quickly as he suspected she was too nervous to be alone with him. “Go change clothes. You can’t go into the stables like that.”

Rachel felt like her whole body was on fire when his eyes traveled down her figure, looking at the lavender straight skirt and cotton shirt she’d donned this morning. She was even wearing matching lavender shoes which had felt so special earlier in the day, but now she just felt dumpy knowing that the women he normally associated with could afford much better, more expensive clothes. Outfits that didn’t droop by the end of the day as this one was doing.

Rachel bit her lip in indecision. She wanted to see what were obviously new horses, but she didn’t want to be alone with Rais. She’d seen him in action too many times over the years, spying on him from the loft in the stables or from the rose garden, from an empty stall or in various places where she could see him with his lady loves. She’d always admired the way he would move in closer, stealing a kiss that would eventually lead to more with his expert seduction. Sometimes much more.

“I…” she was stumped. “It can wait.”

He moved in closer, unwilling to give her a reprieve. “Are you afraid to be alone with me?” he asked gently, forcing her eyes to look into his and reading that fear, that anticipation.

She couldn’t speak for a long moment, too stunned to hear him ask such a blatant question. She sputtered, trying to jump start her brain and give him a firm set down, or just a flip response. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind and her only defense was to step around him and shake her head in denial. “Rais, I’m really tired. I think I’ll pass tonight.”

He wouldn’t take no for an answer. “If you won’t change clothes, you’ll just have to go out like that,” he said, ignoring her comment about passing on the sights and taking her hand in his, dragging her out into the darkness and closing the door behind them.

As the night air closed around them, he slowed down and pulled her closer, tucking her arm into his. “See? This isn’t so bad,” he said and smiled down into her nervous eyes.

Rachel tried to pull her hand off of his arm, but he held it in place and kept on walking. “You look beautiful in that color, by the way,” he commented.

Rachel tried to ignore the coziness of the atmosphere, the intimacy of the darkness which made everything else fade into the background. “Thank you,” she said, clearing her throat and pretending to look around. “What are you going to show me?”

“Some new horses I think you’ll like.”

Rachel loved horses, loved riding and just being around the strong, gentle creatures. “Why are they so special?” she asked, becoming interested despite her nervousness and irritation with his commanding attitude.

He opened the heavy door to the stables and they were immediately enveloped into the warmer, more humid air that kept the horses comfortable during the colder autumn and winter months. “You’ll see,” he said with a mysterious smile.

He led her down to the third stall and opened the top gate. “What do you think?” he asked and stepped back, letting her peer inside.

Rachel looked at his handsome face filled with excitement and had to smile herself. He looked a little bit like a small boy on Christmas morning, eager to see what kinds of presents he’d received under the tree. She took a step closer and looked inside the stable and the sight she saw made her gasp with awe. Staring back at her were two of the most beautiful Thoroughbred horses she’d ever seen in her life. One was pure white and the other pure black, both of them just standing in the middle of the large stall, sniffing the air in order to determine if the new scent was friend or foe.

When she stuck out her hand, wanting to touch the newest beauties, they rebuffed her initially, too proud to come close. “Here,” Rais said and handed her some sugar cubes. “They both have a horrible sweet tooth.”

She took the sugar cubes, pretending that she didn’t shiver when their hands touched, then turned back to the beauties. “I thought a white Thoroughbred was rare.”

“They are. But this one came on sale Copyright 2016 - 2024