The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress Page 0,9

Maybe they were lulled into a false sense of security.

Everything inside Dharr fought against releasing control of this situation and this slender beauty. If she would give him her address, he would know how to move forward, could have her investigated and find out her strengths and weaknesses. He was more determined than ever to have this woman in his bed. What was more intriguing than just his sexual desire for her, he wanted to learn all about her personally. That was definitely a first. So far, he knew several things. She hated her coffee black but hewasn"t sure why she drank it that way, she loved history, she had a rebellious streak that would be exciting to tame and she was physically attracted to him. Usually, this was more than he knew of his other mistresses and he preferred it that way. This would be a different situation on many levels, he suspected.

“Give me your address, Ellie. I"ll send a car for you,” he said and moved closer, a hand reaching out to touch her elbow and his shoulders blocked off the rest of the room. He wanted all of her attention focused on him.

Electra looked up at him, sure the desire she felt for him was evident in her eyes but unable to control it, this overwhelming feeling being new to her. “I can"t give you my address.” She pulled an old receipt from her wallet and a pen, then wrote down her cell phonenumber. “Here. Tell me where to meet you and what time and I"ll be there. I"m sorry,” she said, genuine regret emanating from her eyes as she took a step back, “I must go. I"m very late for an important meeting.”

Dharr watched as she walked through the restaurant, his body reacting to the gentle sway of her hips as she weaved through the tables. He felt more than he saw, his aide standing next to him. Handing the receipt to him he said, “Find out who owns this cell phone number quickly and get all the information on her. Her first name is Ellie.”

“And her last name?” Jamil said, his pen hesitating above the piece of paper.

Dharr cursed under his breath. “I don"t know,” he said viciously, his eyes still watching as she walked out of the hotel lobby, already talking on the cell phone. How could he have forgotten to get her last name?“I don"t know. Find out for me.”

The man nodded and wrote down some information before looking back up at him. “Perhaps I have some good news, Your Highness.”

Dharr walked out of the hotel, impatient to move on to the rest of his meetings so he could relax for the evening. His mind was already planning her seduction and he only allowed half his mind to listen to Jamil while the more important half was slowly stripping the sexy woman"s clothes off her body. “What"s that?” he asked impatiently, stepping into the waiting limousine, completely unaware of the body guards slipping into the front seat and into the black SUVs in front of and behind the limousine.

“Ms. Knight apparently did not show up for her appointment with you,” Jamil said, aware that his boss"s mind was not focused on the present. Although he wasn"t sure what it could be focused on, which confused the aide. His employer was extremely conscientious of his duties and never let his personal life interfere with more important priorities. There had only been the one woman for the past hour, so what could be breaking his attention? King Abbas would never let his concentration slip for a mere woman, Jamil thought to himself.

But his aide was incorrect. Dharr"s mind was picturing her in a red thong and red lace bra. No, he changed his mind, knowing that the woman didn"t seem right wearing red. Pink? No, too soft. Although she"d worn a pink suit today, he doubted she"d wear pink underwear. She would probably consider that color a weakness. Black? Did she have that kind of courage? He hoped so.

“Yes, sire. We tried calling her house but her grandmother said she"d left for your meeting with plenty of time. Having received that information, we called her guards who assured me that she"d shown up for the meeting. It seemed odd, their response.”

Dharr didn"t care what was odd about the irritating ward so he didn"t reply. Blue? Perhaps. Yes, the more he considered it, he suspected she"d wear blue. It would look perfect with her long hair Copyright 2016 - 2024