The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress Page 0,47

not sure what argument she could have for missing her meeting with him, since she was actually meeting with him. It was too convoluted to figure out.

Dharr laughed again. “You"re not going to make me feel guilty for protecting you all your life. The only thing I am feeling guilty about is taking advantage of you. But that can be quickly resolved,” he said calmly. “Jamil,” he called out and immediately, his aide appeared at the door to the living room. “Is the plane ready to take off?” he asked.

“It is, Your Highness,” he replied, bowing slightly, his ever present notebook tucked under his arm.

“Good. We"ll leave immediately,” Dharr said and took Electra"s hand in his own, guiding her out of the room. “Your grandmother will accompany us. Everything has already been announced,” he said.

Electra tried to pull her hand out of his but, just as before, he held it firmly. It was as if he had anticipated what she would do and she didn"t like that one bit. It indicated he understood her and she wanted to hate him. Understanding implied something she wasn"t willing to accept. “Where are we going?” she asked but wasn"t too worried since her grandmother would be there with her.

“You"ll see,” he said and pressed the code to make the elevator move.

“And there"s nothing I can do to make you tell me, is there?” she asked, her anger ramping up a notch at his high handedness. Were there no end to the sins this man could impose on her?

“Not really,” he said absently as his phone rang. He lifted it out of his pocket and answered it, speaking a different language she couldn"t identify. They slipped into the limousine with her grandmother calmly sitting next to her and they drove to the airport. Electra was only mildly concerned when the police escorted their entourage through the streets and directly onto the tarmac of the airport. They boarded the plane under heavy security and as soon as they were seated, the plane taxied down the runway. Electra sat in her seat next to her grandmother, discussing the latest village gossip but not really paying attention to anything she said. She knew some of her answers seemed a little ridiculous when she caught a few curious glances from the elderly lady.

Electra sighed and leaned her head back against the back of the chair, closing her eyes in frustration and exhaustion. “I"m sorry, Gram. I know I"m not making any sense, am I?”

Her grandmother laughed softly and patted her granddaughter"s hand gently. “No. But I can understand why you don"t really care about Betty"s pregnancy or Jennifer"s blueberry pie when you have a few other things on your mind. This is all very new and exciting for you and I can understand why you"re a little overwhelmed by all the fuss.”

Electra bit her lower lip slightly and looke d down at her hands. “I don"t understand, Gram. And I don"t want to be here. This isn"t just new, it"s different and I just want to be normal. Why can"t I ever have that?” she asked.

Edna chuckled softly and shook her head. “Electra, dear, you"ve never been normal. And I hate to break it to you but you probably never will be. I know it is one of your fondest hopes, but it just isn"t in you to be part of the crowd.”

“That"s not true, Gram. I am normal. I just need everyone to back away and leave me alone. Then I can blend in.” Electra fought the tears once again, hating the small sign of weakness.

Edna shook her head in denial. “No, my dear. I hate to be the one to break this to you but you"re special. And the reason you"ll never blend in is because people perceive that special quality within you. When you were in kindergarten, you used to pack the toy trucks with sticks and mud then made little log cabins.”

Electra pulled back slightly, confused. “What"s wrong with log cabins? I liked building those.”

Edna smiled fondly . “Nothing was wrong with them. In fact, they were very creative. I was impressed that you were building a little village, even naming it and making a wall around to protect the villagers. You were very careful to make sure they had everything they needed. But the other kids would put sand in the trucks and move the sand from one spot to another.”

Electra let out an indignant snort, remembering the boys and how silly they Copyright 2016 - 2024