The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,9

his heartbeat increase and that gave her the confidence she needed to say, “I’m pretty sure.”

He smiled and moved his hands to her waist, feeling the softness and noting how slender she really was. “Getting better. But you’re not completely sure, are you.”

She took a deep breath and raised her face up to his. “Yes. I’m very sure. But I thank you for giving me the time to back out of it and run screaming out of the woods.”

Rashid stood there for a stunned moment, absorbing her words. Again, he laughed softly at her quip but didn’t hesitate any longer. He couldn’t. Kissing her had now become an imperative, an absolute that couldn’t wait.

He savored the anticipation though, enjoying her beautiful face and her scared but eager eyes looking up at him as he slowly bent lower. When his lips covered hers, he pulled her against him, feeling her full breasts and her soft body as it gently pressed against him. Almost innocently, he thought.

The kiss was gentle at first, just a flirtation of a kiss. He rubbed his lips over hers, testing the texture and enjoying the anticipation. With her sweet sigh, he lifted his head and looked down at her. The small smile and the way she almost pulled back, as if that were the end of their embrace and it made him rebel at such a tentative taste. There was no way he was letting her get away with just that touch. He wanted more. So much more!

He pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her and bent again, this time, his mouth wasn’t tentative. He didn’t demand, but coaxed her to participate, feeling her shivers as he slowly deepened the kiss, teasing her lips apart and catching her gasp of pleasure in his mouth as his tongue invaded, tasting her sweetness over and over again.

Sidra clung to his arms, her fingers wrapping around his biceps as he pulled her against him, his hand moving down against her back and pressing her against his hard body. She gasped when he deepened the kiss but her mind reveled in the glorious taste of this man who fascinated her so deeply. She wanted to know everything there was to know about him. How he thought, what he did, why he loved horses so much and she especially wanted him to kiss her, to kiss her like this forever. She never wanted him to stop and loved the way he teased and demanded, coaxed and cajoled with his mouth. She’d never experienced such a kiss before. Having endured the sloppy kisses of boys before now, she was enamored of this man’s touch.

As he pulled away, she noticed that his hand was tangled in her hair and his body had hardened in areas that hadn’t been there before. She blushed as she took a step back, leaning slightly against the rock behind her because she knew her legs wouldn’t hold her.

“I scared you,” he said as he watched her look down at her hands which were clasped demurely in front of her.

Sidra looked up, not wanting to appear childish in his eyes. “Not at all,” she lied and bit her lower lip, wondering how she could convince him. “It’s just that I don’t even know your last name or anything about you except that you work with horses and you’re a good rider.”

Rashid didn’t correct her that he worked with horses because he sometimes did exercise the horses when he felt the need. He had an entire stable of horses a t the various houses he owned but that wasn’t his occupation. Better that she think of him as just another guy from the village instead of his real identity.

“Let’s walk,” he said and took her hand, placing it in the crook of his arm in an old-world gentlemanly way. “Tell me about yourself,” he said softly and tried to calm down the raging lust that was surging through his body. She was such a treasure, he wanted to savor her as long as possible. He’d seen the lie in her eyes and knew that she’d never been kissed like that. “What do you do?”

Sidra felt better, feeling on safer ground talking about her occupation. “I’m an interior designer,” she said and answered his questions about her life, then asked him how he knew so much about horses. They walked for about an hour before she realized what time it was. “I’d better get back to Laura. She’s generally up about Copyright 2016 - 2024