The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,7

but there’s a harshness to you that’s very attractive. Very handsome.”

His eyes were intense, the blue coming out as icicles for some reason. She shivered with that intensity, wishing she could run and hide all of a sudden. “You’re a very kind person.”

She shook her head and raised an eyebrow back at him. “Are you trying to tell me that the ladies don’t throw themselves at you continuously? I won’t believe it at all.”

Rashid threw back his head and laughed, delighted with her honesty. She was partly right. Women did throw themselves at him, but he knew it was because of his title and his power or wealth. He wasn’t a handsome man but he took advantage of anything they were offering. He didn’t care that they were superficial women who wanted something from him. He knew their game and played it well. “Perhaps women find something in me that they want,” was all he would admit to at the moment.

She smiled and wondered why his laughter could make her heart skip a beat. “I think you’re being modest, but that’s a very kind thing I suppose.”

Now she was telling him he was kind? He could go for attractive perhaps, but no one would ever dare to call him kind. “In what way?”

She shifted on the rock so that she could face him more fully. She wished she could throw herself into his arms, but thought that would be just too forward. “Most men, in my experience, are braggarts that rarely live up to their opinions of themselves. You, on the other hand, probably have a great many talents hidden behind those pretty blue eyes,” she said and batted her own hazel ones up at him, “but are trying to convince me that women only pant after you for your physique.”

Rashid smiled and Sidra’s mind instantly conjured up a wolf about to eat her for dinner. It was quite breathtaking and she stared back at him, hoping he would break this tension that was slowly building between the two of them. “And what adjective would you use to describe my physique.”

She looked down and turned away, suddenly shy and knew that her face was once again suffused with painful color. “Don’t be coy, Rashid. You know that you’re amazingly well built.” She stood up and walked a couple of steps away from the rock, trying to put some distance between them. She was honestly afraid she might throw herself into his arms, just to feel him touching her like he had yesterday.

Rashid was looking at her very delightful derriere when she said that but her words made his eyes move upwards and he caught her eye. “I’m not sure that ‘well built’ is a good thing.”

“Are you fishing for compliments?” she asked, laughing at his aggressive expression. She knew she should probably be wary. She was alone in the woods with a man she barely knew who was possibly ten times stronger than she was. But this man didn’t scare her like some of her previous dates. Ryan would be furious if he knew she was here though.

“What are you thinking right now?” Rashid asked out of the blue.

Sidra blinked at the quick change in subjects and looked up at him. “I was thinking that Ryan wouldn’t like me being here alone with you.”

Rashid couldn’t believe the fury another man’s name created within him. “Who the hell is Ryan? And why should he care if you’re alone with me?”

Sidra instantly felt bad for her lack of an explanation. She turned to face him fully, not wanting to play the normal games men and women played upon an initial meeting. He hadn’t done that with her and she would give him the courtesy of not doing that with him. “I’m sorry, that came out sounding awful and I didn’t mean to even try to make you jealous. Ryan is my older brother and he’s very protective of me. Sometimes I don’t even tell him when I start dating a guy because Ryan will have a background check done on the man and it’s a bit intimidating. I don’t like knowing all the bad things a guy has done before I even know what his favorite food is.”

Instantly Rashid felt better, both in hearing that she’s not dating another man as well as the fact that she had an older brother to watch out for her. “As well he should. I have two younger sisters as well and I doubt that I Copyright 2016 - 2024